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  • Awesome, I'm looking forward to playing with this! Also: Typo in your 2nd paragraph, should read "880kHz"
  • Adding this on the "Webpage" tab of the Admin interface helps: <script type="text/javascript"> ext_set_controls_width_height = function(e, t) {   e = e > window.innerWidth * .95 ? window.innerWidth * .95 : e;   panel_set…
  • I have noticed this too. The extension window for some extensions goes beyond the viewable area. In most cases, tilting the phone into landscape mode exposes the "X". If that doesn't work, make the selection you want and then reload the…
  • I think transformer coupling at both ends of cat5 or other balanced feedlines will result in lower noise. If you are using coax, common mode chokes will help to achieve the lowest noise floor. On my simple 1m loop I'm using a Casarain LAMB-1A: http…
  • For the non-NBFM squelch the slider represents dB above the median of a number of past RSSI (S-meter) values. Are the RSSI values used for the moving average from within the passband only? Couldn't this result in the threshold being too high when …
  • The recorder could always respect the squelch. It is probably OK since the default is squelch wide-open. This would require someone to adjust the squelch (and thus know of its existence) for it to affect recording. A tooltip somewhere could be he…
  • Did you try measuring DC resistance (with no power applied) on the kiwi's main voltage rails? 5V, 3.3[this comes from the BB], 3.3G, 3.3A, 1.8V, 1V? Measure these with the kiwi board disconnected from the BB. There are some pins on P9, filter ca…
  • @cathalferris Thanks. I'd been thinking about trying something like this but the details of the script had escaped me. So I have it working right now without any changes. It seems that connman will autoconnect wlan0 if and only if eth0 is not con…
  • Does anyone know how to get connman to automatically connect wlan0 on startup? The daemon is running after a reboot but it's not connecting. I can connect manually just fine. This seemed to be working and now is not. I've set autoconnect on, I'v…
  • Like this? kiwisdr.com/quickstart/index.html#id-user-marker
  • Success! The BGA operation worked and the kiwi is functional again using a BBB that I had. Now, I've been trying very hard to get the MT7601 USB wifi dongle working and it's proving just as difficult as last time. I have managed to finally get it…
  • Good catch, thank you. I've fixed it. I have successfully removed the part and cleaned the pads. No shorts now :) I had to up the air temp to 530°F before she broke loose. I remember something similar last time too. I'm ordering the part, it p…
  • Thanks for the tips, John. Yeah the hot air station I have at work is pretty decent. When I did the Red Pitaya I used kapton tape over everything I didn't want to blow away and it seemed to work. That was the first time I'd ever attempted somethi…
  • Is it normal for "Qlen" to start off around 4-5 and creep up to 19-20 after a few minutes? That's what I see happening, along with the underruns.
  • I've had wifi working for a while, and it's pretty good. I do occasionally find that it's disconnected (not sure if the beagle/kiwi is locked up or just wifi, I fix by a power cycle). I also notice audio buffer underruns, but I notice this on othe…
  • For what it's worth, my kiwi is on a 190m beverage. I have a big 200m+ delta loop I use for transmitting ~800W. One leg of the delta is nearly parallel and about 15m away from the beverage at the kiwi end. I've installed 1N4148's diodes on the ki…
  • I did manage to get a wifi USB adapter (MT7601 chipset) working on my BBG/kiwi which solved all of my ethernet-related noise problems. It's also quite convenient to only have to run power out to my barn where the kiwi is. It was quite the challeng…
  • I've noticed this too. If I load the kiwi from my external address, it works. Sometimes the extensions will not come up and if I refresh the page, then it doesn't connect. If at this point I load it via the internal local IP it works. After some…
  • Thanks for the responses guys. I have some SMP1330 PIN diodes coming that I'll try out too. I believe the 1N4148s will be fine. At the moment I actually have 2x 1N4148 and 2x 1N5817 on the high-z (beverage antenna) side of my 9:1 transformer goin…
  • @G8JNJ Hi Martin, I'm curious how this has worked out for you? I had previously put a TVS on mine but it's capacitance was creating a low-pass filter. Anything above 40m was severely attenuated! The capacitance of the 1N4148s is much lower (4pF)…
  • Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.
  • Awesome, John! I didn't realize that was available.
  • This CSS seems to help most mobile browsers and makes the UI usable. (Quote) In order to implement this you have to manually edit your ~/Beagle_SDR_GPS/web/openwebrx/openwebrx.css file, and then per the instructions above: (Quote) then either…
  • @colin99 I was able to get it working with the MT7601 chipset. Like I mentioned above, I tried a lot of things before it worked, so I'm unsure which step(s) were actually required. I believe it had a lot to do with installing firmware-ralink and i…
  • I agree it's likely a power issue, at least until you rule that out. Heavier gauge/shorter wires, use Vsense lines, higher supply voltage (I'd keep it <5.5V), higher amperage (or dedicated) supply, staggered startup sequence. Any or all of those…
  • Interesting. If the NIC is set to static it should never get a 169.254 address. That should only happen when DHCP fails to obtain an address. When configured for a static IP the NIC should always have that IP whenever there is a link present. Th…
  • The critter icon is the most critical part of any new receiver mode implementation! @Powernumpty, did you intend for their beaks to form an "X", the Roman numeral for 10? Nice!
  • I agree, Martin. I usually put a series R with everything. The datasheets for the Dowkey switches are lacking in detail. There's no indication as to the impedance, current draw, or recommended drive circuit for the logic inputs. I had planned on us…
  • I was able to use DowKey RF switches/relays without a driver circuit. The logic input pins just needed a pulldown to GND (I used 10k). Nick W1NJC
  • @n6gn FIrst off, when you get this working again, definitely configure a static IP. If you can restart the remote end of your link, do it. It might take the NIC down, and when it comes back up the kiwi should do a DHCP discover and hopefully get a…