@jks I've tried 16GB, 8GB, could not find a 4GB so just overwritten the original 4GB card that came with my KiwiSDR - nothing worked! Yes, it went through all the "back-and-forth" for quite long time, and always ended with 4 LED blinking o…
Thank you @jks The CRCs totally match, and I'm at total lost what could be a problem... So I'll leave it run at v1.461 Debian 8 then, at least it runs. I'm not exposing it to the 'Net, so hope it'll survive. Though, on second thought, the WSPR ext…
Anyone can give me a SHA256 CRC for the un-zipped image of Debian 10 BBB KiwiSDR (the KiwiSDR_v1.486_BBB_Debian_10.11.img file)? I'm almost giving up to upgrade my KiwiSDR to Debian 10 image. After numerous attempts, trying all different micro-SD c…
@jks I've got a SD card and trying to upgrade, done the backup, however verifying the backup got me this (sorry, don't know how to embed code in the posts?..): NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT mmcblk0boot0 179:8 0 1M 1 disk mmcblk0boot1…
@jks Thank you for the quick response - that was what I've guessed too... Need to find the good SD cards and some time over the weekend now... Thanks again and kind regards == Mac Ha
My problem may be too out-of date, as I didn't use my KiwiSDR for more than a year, and only now realized it's still running v.1.461! However, it's stuck there and I can't update it. Check version on the Admin interface says "Installed version:…
@jks not sure I can do that, our ISP doesn't allow access to the router... Let me see what can I do. What time zone are you in, how may I PM you?
Run it the whole day today for WSPR, and the whole day unable to login to the admin page. Then just connected via ssh, run cdp and ku, and the admin page appeared. How come?
I'm logged in as root via ssh, and the normal user connection to KiwiSDR still works normally, all 8 of them! I'm running several WSPR sessions, as well as listening to stations - waterfall, audio, everything works. The problem is only with admin pa…
I have been encountering this same problem several times too! I'm on wired LAN connection, yesterday everything was normal, today getting "Still determining local interface address. Please try reloading page in a few moments." connecting t…