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  • Indeed an option for the Kiwi admin that removes the callsign field such as Martin suggested would be helpful to address the issues with fake or false callsigns and take care of some of the points Philippe brought up. brgds, Ben.
  • Indeed a well made video presentation showing quite a few KiwiSDR features.
  • Hi Christoph, Also much impressed with these results so far and it will be interesting to see how you achieved this. I assume you used a form of matched filter for processing the wav file of the audio from the synchronized sweep.
  • @bob53bob since that snapshot of your admin connect page shows "Reverse proxy enabled and running" and assuming this is a KiwiSDR 2 have you tried to connect to ?
  • Hi Nate, In case the problem returns you could also have a look at the delay timer mentioned under "BBG and some PSU problem" to slow down the start up of one of your Kiwis. br…
  • Hi Martin, This morning (early UK time) I made a SNR reading plot switching your antennas at 5 min intervals and thought you might find that interesting to have a look at. It seems that your br…
    in SNR value Comment by benson February 20
  • The TDoA waterall preview has greatly improved with this version v1.664. It is actually quite amazing and revealing to be able see an instant snapshot of the waterfall of any Kiwi node available worldwide merely with a mouse click!
    in v1.664 Comment by benson February 19
  • @HB9TMC , Interersting find about latency. I assume in order to achieve this change to main.conf it will be neccesary to temporarily connect via ethernet to the Kiwi. When trying to make this change to an already wifi connected Kiwi this was refuse…
  • Very interesting addition this waterfall preview to the TDoA extension. Couple of issues I noticed (trying on different OS's and browsers, V1.661): 1./Currently experiencing poor internet speeds and this could be the reason that no preview shows up …
  • Just to mention, with V1.660 I just ran an ALE scan for 12+ hours straight.
    in ALE Scan Comment by benson February 5
  • A bit more progress with this. There is a a js function 'element.remove()' that I planned to use to reduce the display items not needed for this purpose. Turns out this cannot be used on a page with embedded iframes and I have not found another way …
  • Hi Martin, Have a look at your pm for more about this.
    in SNR value Comment by benson January 28
  • Thanks G4DYA for that html file which could be a start. A couple of things are needed as well such as trimming the individual html pages so as to show only the frequency scale and waterfall and the tricky part of having a synchronized cross pointer…
  • Hi Martin, What is the frequency range you want to find the SNR estimate over when doing those adjustments? Last year worked on a Python script that creates a time plot of the SNR calculated by the microkiwi_waterfall code and runs that periodically…
    in SNR value Comment by benson January 22
  • @jks Indeed such a mini waterfall popup display would be a great addition to the TDoA extension. It looks that synchronized cursor movement across tabs would probably need a custom browser extension or a custom web application that acts as a contain…
  • @jks I see anyway thanks for the quick reply and your work on this.
  • Updating a BBG based Kiwi went without problems. In order to check if v1.652 fixes the TDoA current problem perhaps the hosts running this versions could be included as well to the TDoA map in addition to the pre-v1.647 hosts currently shown. best r…
  • Same here Martin, when cheking this morning after the V1.648 update. Not sure though if this already happened earlier with the introdution of V1.647. Cheers, Ben
  • A while ago I tried out some not so popular modes such as FSQ, ROS and KG-STV which are interesting technically and work well within certain limitations of course. Looking at the spot statistics by PSK reporter for modes such as these they appear ha…
  • Definitely interested in one KiwiSDR2 unit. Really appreciate your efforts to keep the KiwiSDR project alive and continuing.
  • I guess you are limited to constructions in the attic of your house. If you have the possibility of mounting a loop horizontally on a mast at a height of 6-10 meters you might get better reduction of those noise sources. I have used a horizontal &q…
  • Easiest ways :: 1/ At the Kiwi main control panel (the one with the frequeny and mode selections) click on STAT and then on owner/admin which likely starts your default email client with the email adddress of the operator already filled in. 2/ appen…
  • Thanks for the info Martin. Experiments like 'Art work' airglow appear rather benign as compared to what can be done by pumping up to 3.63 GW (ERP) into in a complex non-linear system such as the polar electrojet.
  • @jks Thanks John for appending the measured SNR value to the Kiwi host name on the TDoA map display. Very helpful for quickly finding potential Kiwis that can be used for the process.
  • Hi Peter, Nice initiative. The snapshots taken of course will change a lot over time due propagation, varying local QRM and other factors including the operator switching antennas. Perhaps having 4 smaller scale vertically stacked snapshots at 6 hou…
  • As for the ALE-2G extension I can report that with the added Test function running periodically in v1.614 long monitoring sessions are now possible. Whereas previously the detections of ALE signals would hang after around 10-14 hours I now have a sc…
  • Problem sounsds familiar. Sometimes I had the admin page open on a PC and also a Rpi4 (version chromium same as in the second post) because they are at different locations and noticed that an error in kiwi.json prevented a restart. In these cases re…
  • For the SNR correction I settled on -22 , which compares well with digiskimmer and multipsk around -10 dB levels. No luck with comparing to WSJT-X because it it keeps crashing. Thanks for this new extension.
  • About the SNR calibration, I took some readings and plotted them below with the SNR correction left at zero. Not really a linear relationship by the looks of it. Perhaps with a lot more data you could reasonably decide to throw out some outliers. h…
  • @jks Hi John, If you haven't already you could perhaps have a look how the spot uploads for FT8 are handled in Digiskimmer located at . Best regards, Ben
    in FT8? Comment by benson February 2023