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  • Neighbor QRM is also my contention - without the Wellbrook's null, I'd have bands in low to mid HF washed out. My setup on the low-side (0-12 MHz) is a Wellbrook Loop, with a DistillAM BCB 'knock-down' filter. High side is a 25 foot elevated wire d…
  • Update - SV1AFN constructed a diplexer for running two antennas on my Kiwi, based on his HF Multicoupler. The cut-over frequency is 12 MHz. My intent is to run the low end with the Welbrook loop, and the high end is slated to try a variety of anten…
  • I look forward to adding a second one here.
  • Thanks! I have it up on 4NEC2 as well! @G8JNJ For LF to upper BCB how does the loop-near-ground fair to the T2CM? I have a local noise emitter from which I use the Wellbrook loop to try and null out, will be trying out the LOG to see how well I can…
  • aww heck, just the dims on the overall length, hip width and hip to tip length and I'll take it from there.
  • Dunno if this was noticed, but I wasn't able to run the DRM extention if I happened to be in an RX slot other than RX1, even if I was the only user.
  • @n6gn - what are the construction details on that antenna? I've got fiberglass ready for this. I was thinking of using a combiner and a SHP-20+ on this antenna, with the other port for the Wellbrook.
  • I'm prepping for new build year and want to tackle this high HF problem in the spring. Had anybody modeled these approaches over average ground or built one for evaluation? If not, I am interested in trying it - even the vertical biconical - as I'm …
  • They're sending little notes between each other using the callsign text box, while chatting on the radio.
  • Latest: Aug 19 18:55:03 15:55:46.062 0... 0 SND BAD PARAMS: sl=15 83|69|84 [SET no WebAudio] ip= #################################### Mon Aug 19 18:55:03 15:55:46.062 0... 0 SND BAD PARAMS: sl=106 83|69|84 [SET Mozilla/5.0 (Window…
  • @HB9TMC Thanks for the recommendation, I bought one and its working out well. The chipset has changed to a Realtek but its supported with installation of the firmware-realtek package. My VLF performance is much improved, and so I can finally be rid…
  • I gave it a go for a RTL8192eu based wifi (has an RP-SMA antenna port, which I need for my installation) and ran into issues compiling for this kernel. If somebody has a seperate-antenna option for Wifi that works now, would be interested to try tha…
  • Is there any relationship of this issue to how folks like the Marco (IS0KYB) get waterfall and audio data?
  • My own goals are more modest and in line with what you say in the 2nd paragraph. My location isn't burdened with many high level signals in that range (maybe CB and business band on the upper end, at most?). I'd be happy to get something for the upp…
  • One change I was working on last week was trying out a wifi dongle - I'm going to remove all those changes and see what happens.
  • Gotcha!
  • You clicked connect on the top of the console page? Should see the prompt when you do that.
  • I did the following - make a rule to both log and drop it: iptables -N LOG_DROP iptables -A LOG_DROP -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT:DROP: " --log-level 6 iptables -A LOG_DROP -j DROP iptables -I INPUT -s -j LOG_DROP then make …
  • Whatever they are doing, it happens once a minute. This log shows the only legitimate connection I've seen from this IP: Jul 30 09:05:45 kiwisdr kiwid: 06:06:25.345 01.. 1 15598.00 kHz usb z8 "" Singapore (ARRIVED) Jul 30 …
  • This issue was mostly fixed by changing to a Wellbrook loop that is 400 feet away from the original location of the delta loop. The new loop is rotated to null out that interference; its not perfect - the VLF range is covered with some incredible bu…
  • Check this one out:
  • Bad news on this issue. The 'source' of the interference is not the Invisible Fence; rather its something located along the same wall and incidentally coupling into the loop (via the lightning protector) but is primarily radiating from something in …
  • This is interesting, was thinking to do the same once I am cleared of the local RFI and GPS power issues. Besides the RPA-1/2, what else is out there that'd getting use? Ha! I posted while reading the first page of the thread - I meant to ask about…
  • I put the old puck back on, GPS is working fine.
  • This was what I was thinking might be the case, hope I did not damage the GPS IC running with this. I'll put the old puck back on and make sure it still works, and wait for this $10 bias-T to come in.
  • Related question - I'd upgraded/run with the PCTEL 40dB antenna for a while to great effect; now suddenly I'm getting poor performance where there is almost nothing. A few sats show some RSSI about mid-green-bar for 10-15 seconds then they drop off …
  • My tags are selected for most casual users to be able to do something with it - I don't like TOO many tags up there, just the once likely to get some attention. Most of those FSK stations are encrypted and doing things like TDoA on them wasn't somet…
  • I'm in Acton, Massachusetts, but you'll find these US dx.json files like mine or @WA2ZKD to be more applicable than the default one on the Kiwi, despite the regional seperation. Here is one of the posts on sharing:…
  • To your point 6 - Mine are here: