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  • For my Kiwi running in Thailand that will not work: CONSOLE: only available to local admin connection 
  • If you're familiar with cron, you could add a cronjob: crontab -e Then add following line (replace the ip with the IP of your kiwi): Yes, but I gather one must run Linux for cron. I am running windows. 😁
  • UPDATE: FIXED: Below is the new brick antenna on my terrace-roof in Thailand. It doesn't look as a brick antenna any longer because: The blue plastic cylinder at the bottom is hollow and glued to the roof. It is filled inside with heat-insulation ma…
  • G8JNJ, Thanks Martin. Too hot up there was my thoughts too. When I get up with a ladder and put my hands on my terrace roof, it's so hot that I can't hold my hand there. F…
  • HB9TMC, Thanks. I will do that and see what I find. 😀
  • Yes indeed. I just ordered two new GPS antennas for just US $17.18 (8.59 each) from China. They have the same specs as you mentioned above. If it's the heat who destroys them, it's good having one spare. Many thanks for your quick support John. 😊
  • Ok, great knowing this. So I guess ordering a new antenna is the best bet then? I will do that today as soon as you agrees on this. We are in Thailand in our own house for 3 months per year and we have 7 weeks left this time, so I need to get a new …
  • Thanks John, After I did the debian 10 upgrade, I thought it's time to have closer look at the GPS problem. The GPS has been like this for weeks now so something is not right. What confuses me, is that there are signals, but only red bars which neve…
  • Yes: KiwiSDR 1, v1.661, 4 SDR channels, 12 GPS channels | Uptime: 0:08:47 | UTC: 09:17 | Local: 16:17 Asia/Bangkok (ICT) Debian 10.11 GPS: acquire pause, track 0, good 0, fixes 0 --- (Note: ok, antenna and gps not connected) SNR: All 2 dB, HF 2 dB …
  • I'll wait a bit and see if it updates. If not, I can try booting from the deb.10, 1.486 card again. If none of the above will work, perhaps I should try making a new image on the 1.486 card again.
  • Update tab: Installed version: v1.661, built Feb 5 2024 06:27:07 Running most current version Should I just wait a bit more then? I came in with temppwd 😊
  • I am upgrading my Kiwi in Thailand now. Everything went fine up to step 3. I have found it's serial no in the network screen. But with: "ssh debian@" (which is confirmed as my Kiwi's local ip), it's serial no is NOT any longe…
  • "The BBAI is still in production, but we no longer recommend it because of the thermal management problems everyone went through. Spend a few extra bucks on the AI-64 and its large heatsink. You don't even need a fan in most cases." Does …
  • v1.639 November 26, 2023   New frequency memory menu user interface:     Auto or manual save mode.     Click-hold of memory icon does save in manual save mode.     Optional save/restore of demod mode.     Memory recall shortcut keys: ^1 ^2 ... ^9   …
  • Ok thanks John, I've already downloaded the kiwiclient for about a month ago and soon after got the kiwirecorder to work just fine. Will have a better look at them soon... 😊
    in API? Comment by LA6LU November 2023
  • Home shack in Norway with the KiwiSDR ( plus other net based radio related things) mounted on a wall plate. Antenna for the KiwiSDR here is a vertical NTi Mega…
  • Thank you very much for all yo do for the Kiwi community. 😊 Since I have two kiwis, one in Norway and one in Thailand running now, I will probably buy two or three of the new units, all with enclosures Two as backups and one for a possible new Norwe…
  • Thanks again John, It helped re-trying pushing in the cd-card, until i saw withdmesgthat the card was accepted. The copy, diff etc. went just fine and the kiwi is up an running with everyhting I could wish for. Will do some small changes in my conf…
  • Many thanks, I am almost there and the most critical part is done, but I have problems restoring original config files. (see below). As reference, here is part of what the instructions says: Mou…
  • Hi, One of my two Kiwi's stopped worked for a while ago. It was impossible to access it, even locally and two of the blue LEDs blinked in sequence, suggesting that my Kiwi's file system had gone corrupt. Possibly because of a network glitch during a…
  • Update: I just bought a PCTEL 40dB GPS antenna from the US and 10m coax from China, all on ebay. The cable is fitted with a TNC male and SMA male which will fit the PCTEL and the Kiwi. Thanks again guys. Your help is very much appreciated. :) 73's G…
  • "Either of those might be overkill but you'll never visit a GPS problem again with one of those probably installed. The excess gain will overcome any feedline loss." Thanks for the link, that got me started on ebay. As mentioned above, I t…
  • "In your case I think it would be worthwhile trying to extend the GPS cable." Yes, at least the cheapest way. :) If I just could get the (original) antenna out and on top of the terrrace roof, I think it would change to the better. The dra…
  • Hi Chris, I am having just partial GPS coverage here in Thailand for my new Kiwi here. May I ask about your 40 db antenna, where you bought it (link) a and the price for it? Also see…
  • Thanks Guys, I really appreciates your great feedback. :) My antenna is stretched out as far as the cable length allows it via a hole in the concrete wall, to under the ceiling of our terrace. The antenna is attached to the ceiling with some strong …
  • Is there news about this fan or did the shit hit the fan, so to speak. ;) I want original replacement fans if possible. It do help if the quality is better too as the original fan from Seed is a joke with such a short life span. Update: Found it in…