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- Gibsonmb
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I'll check what debiam version. Tell me command to type from the console? I'm happy for you to connect to it in some way. You can message me direct at if you'd prefer. You did log in some years ago to sort something out. Regards M…
I take that back, mine is a MS-S7k6 WEB controlled REMOTE ANTENNA SWITCH 7 POSITIONS 6kW PEP. It was purchased in June 2021. Mine does not do antenna mixing. I only have antennas connected on the first three ports. I've not tested any further than t…
Posting here in case anybody else ever has the issue I'm about to describe. I built my own linear 5V PSU capable of up to 8A. On the output side I had used one of those ubiquitous digital volt amp meters from China. As you may know, to measure curre…
Thank you so much for all the support. For anybody reading this particular thread, this is why it is worth buying a genuine product from the creator. Apart from it being a fantastic product, the support is second to none. As you can tell by the post…
I also rebooted again, logged in quickly and grabbed 2000 lines... all exactly as above
Here is all 1000 lines in notepad. Appears to be in a loop of some sort
root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# msl | tail -n 1000 I've had to cut this back as it was 93218 characters too long but it appears to be repetitive anyway. Apr 17 22:57:07 kiwisdr kiwid: 00:00:00.679 KiwiSDR v1.671 -----------------------------------…
I'll try the stuff above first
just on midnight so I'll be back on in the (UK) morning. Thanks for your support.
just run the ps lax again after running the above commands and results below root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# ps lax | gr kiwid 0 0 14621 8197 20 0 3752 1656 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep --color=auto -i --color=auto kiwid root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR…
all the commands executed OK but still no difference. Do you think it is worth disconnecting the power and letting it boot back up again?
root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# /usr/local/bin/kiwid -use_spidev 1 -bg -v 1.671 SHMEM=44.863 MB: ipc=0.008 spi=0.220 rx=2.002 wf=4.552 wspr=33.233 drm=4.770 Wed Apr 17 22:03:52 00:00:00.402 L KiwiSDR v1.671 ------------------------------------------…
How do I do the latter bit?
root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# ps lax | gr kiwid 0 0 2641 15063 20 0 3752 1684 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep --color=auto -i --color=auto kiwid about 10 minutes now.
They have all executed successfully. But, If I try to login via the ip address it is still refusing a connection. DO I need to remove power and restart it? Below is the last part of the script sent 35,255,369 bytes received 234 bytes 10,073,029.43 b…
root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# ./up make: *** No rule to make target 'stop'. Stop. error: object file .git/objects/39/aee1df9cda748de119d493bce56bbfd269086d is empty error: object file .git/objects/39/aee1df9cda748de119d493bce56bbfd269086d is empty …
I emailed about being interested in buying but never got a response :(
Just noticed FT8 in my dropdown, this is fantastic :) Works really well
Thanks all, mu works for me
I really like this, I'm using the Windows version so it would be great to have a latest version Windows build as I'm not techie enough to do that myself. The font at the top in red is quite difficult to read (poor contract and "thin" font)…
- The defaults are a good starting point. Just its well worth playing with it against various different noise issues.
When it happens again I'll post something here. I looked at the logs and it looked to be some sort of KIWIrecorder, which I don't use so I've disabled that in the admin pages
Having done the above my /root/.bashrc.local file looks like this; export PROJ=~/Beagle_SDR_GPS #export PATH=$PROJ:$PATH if [ -f ~/.bashrc.local.common ]; then . ~/.bashrc.local.common fi cpufreq-set -f 1.176GHz But the BBAI still starts at 1.5G…
Hi all, Just to note that I now have Chrome 90 installed and the popping is still there but no so loud (I think). I've just compared it with Firefox where we know the possping is not present. So Chrome 90 has not fixed it for me.
- One melted common mode choke
Mine got very noisy after about 1 year. I changed it for one about £7 of eBay
what physical size are those two caps (C202/C203) I just removed? So I order the correct size off eBay.
T301 the common mode choke melted internally..... bridged for now while I try to locate a new one. thanks for help all as always. Just fyi @jks that business of being kicked out of ssh every few minutes or seconds is internal to the kiwisdr. It is …
Thanks for quick response. If I plug power into the sdr without the BB it immediately pulls my bench power supply set to 5V and 2.3A down to about 1V. I've not chosen to increase the current up (the PSU is capable of 6A). The T301 double coil gets q…
many thanks.... done