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  • 30 dB in line amplifier [Not Answered, sorry I accidentally hit accept on the comment.]

    Unless I am missing something or that is the wrong link, the antenna is for 144 and 450 MHz. The KiwiSDR only receives to 30 MHz. Unless you have a pretty big discone, it won't work very well at HF. 

    As to the amplifier, the gain isn't so much a factor as how much power it can put out. If you have no transmitters nearby it shouldn't be a problem. If you do, what ever couples from it's antenna into the receive antenna will be amplified. The amplifier you have the link for says max output is +10 dBm. That is a pretty big signal for a receiver but I don't believe it will harm the Kiwi.

    Steve KD2OM
  • Quick comparison between the PA0RDT Mini-Whip and The RA0SMS Mini-Whip

    I was recently lent a RA0SMS mini-whip to try out. Earlier this year I purchased new original Mini-whip from PA0RDT. I have used a homebrew copy of the mini-whip I built a few years ago as well. The new one uses an isolation transformer in the receiver interface as does the RA0SMS antenna. I installed each one in succession near where my CliftonLabs whip antenna is, about 5 feet off the ground strung from a plant hanger 80 feet from the house and more from the road. I have a wideband rf choke designed by CliftonLabs on the feedline about 3 feet from the antenna.
    The RA0SMS antenna seems to have a lot more gain than the PA0RDT antenna. It really brings up the noise, anything above 20 MHz is unusable in my installation. As I have mentioned previously the noise floor of my KiwiSDR rises above 20 anyway. They both receive well, especially considering their size and ease of installation. Both receive WWVB with the RA0SMS doing a bit better.
    I have attached a spectrum image of each antenna, the capture were about 10 minutes apart in the morning here in upstate New York.

    Steve KD2OM
  • WARNING 1.92 & 1.93 reboots on dx label add [fixed in v1.194]

    Same here with 1.93
  • Quick comparison between the PA0RDT Mini-Whip and The RA0SMS Mini-Whip

    Since I use RG6 coax with F connectors as the antenna feed, the easiest way to ground the coax is use a CATV grounding block.
  • Quick comparison between the PA0RDT Mini-Whip and The RA0SMS Mini-Whip

    Since I use RG6 coax with F connectors as the antenna feed, the easiest way to ground the coax is use a CATV grounding block.
  • SAQ 17.2 kHz Christmas Eve Transmission

    I was finally able to capture and listen to SAQ this morning. I used the KiwiSDR and a new 350 foot beverage antenna. I have been trying to receive this station since 1981.

    Thanks to Jim Lill WA2ZKD and Rob Robinett AI6VN for getting me enthused enough with KiwiWSPR to put up the new antenna.

    Steve KD2OM