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Not Updating anymore. [fixed, package system problem]

edited January 2020 in Problems Now Fixed
My Kiwi seems to have stopped updating last was V1.359 7th Dec 2019. Tried manual update goes to 'in Progress' nothing happens. Any Idea's Bob G3PWJ


  • edited January 2020
    You can build it manualy on SSH console connection.
    For first time try use ./up script:
    - connect to KiwiSDR console via SSH (you can use Putty for Windows) with debian user
    > sudo su (type debian password again)
    > cdp
    > ./up
    and wait about 40 min for build current version

    if problems didn’t goes you can build KiwiSDR software from Github and then copy config from old version... look this post for fix serious problems:
  • I'm fixing it now. The package system had to be repaired by hand.
  • Should be okay now. BTW, band menu still customized for 2m only?
  • Thanks very much jks all seems to be ok updated. could you drop me an email to with details what you did.. thanks 73's Bob G3PWJ
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