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Broadcast database application with control of WEB SDR

Hi John,

I recently found a broadcast database application that allows control of various receivers (including the Twente WEB SDR).

Although it's a bit of a pain to setup, it does have some 'interesting' features that may be of interest for KiWi admins and users.


Martin - G8JNJ


  • Hi John,

    I've now spent a bit more time playing with this application.

    It's not the easiest thing to setup or initially use, but it does have some quite impressive features such as the ability to import various online databases and parse .xlsx files such as the 'Numbers and Oddities' and 'ITU monitoring' databases into a set of local databases that can be searched, sorted and indexed.

    When driving a local radio or the Twente WEB SDR (or others of that type) it's very handy for click tuning, ID'ing or scheduling stations.

    Definitely worth spending a bit of time with to get the hang of it, plus it incorporates some really good ideas and useful features.


    Martin - G8JNJ 

  • In the past I have used DF8RY's CSVuserlistbrowser for control of a Winradio SDR as well as more recently an Afedri SDR. The interface works quite well and has a lot of flexibility manipulating various frequency databases and has a good search and scan functions.

    The ability to sync any hamlib or omnirig defined transceiver is quite useful especially with the Twente WebSDR version and the network of associated receivers.
    Twente WebSDR can use JavaSript commands to control various functions, which enables to send URLs with the JavaScript calls to a browser emulation. 

    Unfortunately until now this type of control from "outside" is not available for KiwiSDR, although probably a lot of (potential) users would be interested in some form of CAT control for purposes as scanning thru a list of frequencies, ALE monitoring, transceiver synchronisation etc. Looking forward to such a feature.
    Best regards, Ben
  • Twente WebSDR can use JavaSript commands to control various functions, which enables to send URLs with the JavaScript calls to a browser emulation. 

    Can you explain to me what this means exactly? I've heard this term "browser emulation" now several times and it makes no sense to me. The Kiwi currently allows arbitrary programs running anywhere to open a connection to a Kiwi server using web sockets (e.g. -- just like the Kiwi javascript does when it is downloaded and running inside a browser.

    But what do you mean by sending a URL to WebSDR with an embedded call to Javascript? How can a third-party program force input to the URL field of a running browser? Or is there a scaled-down version of a browser ("browser emulation") running inside the third-party program? The emulation would have to be fairly functional i.e. run javascript itself in addition to simply rendering HTML.

  • Hi John,

    I may be wrong, but to me it looks like there is a scaled-down version of a browser running within both of the applications that have been mentioned.


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • Hi John,

    It appears the way Martin describes it is indeed the case. I am pretty sure the creator of this non-commercial program would be willing to look into a possibility to interface to KiwiSDR if at all possible and given the some more information.

    He also can best explain how precisely he managed to control the WebSDR without creating major security issues. His email is df8ry(at) and perhaps with your cooperation a safe way to interface likewise with KiwiSDR can be found.

    best regards, Ben.
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