Console shortcuts gone...Am I missing something?

It seems that the console shortcuts I am used to don't seem to function in Kiwi2.

"cdp" does as expected (drops me into /root/Beagle_SDR_GPS/), but when I try a "mu" or a "kd" or "ku", it sits there and looks at me like I'm a criminal...

There are others there, such as "up", and "update_fix"...

Hopefully I just did something wrong...

Carl, K6CRS


  • Hi Carl,

    the shortcuts (or at least most of them) are alias definitions in /root/.bashrc, so you can check this textfile and if necessary, restore it from a working kiwi. To give a reference, my .bashrc is 26595 bytes in size. If yours is significantly different, it may be damaged.



  • There is also an alias for the alias command. It is al. So you can say al ku and it should show you what the alias is. If you get an error the .bashrc file might be damaged as Manfred points out.

  • Wow... a lot of aliases in the .bashrc file. And I did find what I was looking for, and even copied and pasted the long command out of the bashrc alias and tried it and it still hung. No errors given, it just sits there like it wants a sandwich...

    It's not a huuuuuuge loss. There are other ways around.

    Thanks for the assist.


  • mu md ku and kd take a long time (tens of seconds) because they run make. And the current Makefile has to look at too many files before it does anything (it's on my list to fix).

  • Ahhh. That sounds like the issue. I just need to exercise patience.

    Thank you John.


  • There's nothing wrong with your aliases, John. I timed it and they take an average of 1:45 to execute.

    I learned something. I'm quite impressed at the literal library of aliases. It's almost a secret programming language.


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