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Firmware won't update past 1.67 [corrupted Beagle/Debian filesystem]

edited May 2017 in Problems Now Fixed
I've been away a couple weeks and I noticed the firmware hasn't progressed past 1.67 despite several subsequence releases.  I've had autoupdate set all along, Forcing a check shows 1.82 is the current version, then force build and the blue banner saying server will restart shows up on most pages.  The log finally shows a build error.  What are my options?  Log below.

UPDATE: version changed, current 1.67, new 1.82
Thu May 11 16:54:49 2017 0:00:06 ....      UPDATE: building new version..
Thu May 11 16:54:50 2017 0:00:07 ....      UPDATE: error in build, non-normal exit, aborting
Thu May 11 16:54:50 2017 0:00:07 ....      task update_task:P2:T19 exited by returning
Thu May 11 16:55:10 2017 0:00:27 .... [00] isLocal_IP: flg=0x18 fam=10 socktype=1 proto=6 addrlen=28 ::ffff:
Thu May 11 16:55:10 2017 0:00:27 .... [00] isLocal_IP TRUE IPv4/4_6 remote_ip ::ffff: ip_client ::ffff: ip_server[IPv4] nm /24 0xffffff00
Thu May 11 16:55:10 2017 0:00:27 .... [00] PWD admin: config pwd set TRUE, auto-login TRUE
Thu May 11 16:55:10 2017 0:00:27 .... [00] PWD admin: config pwd set, but is_local and auto-login set
Thu May 11 16:55:10 2017 0:00:27 .... [00] PWD admin allow override: sent from ::ffff:
Thu May 11 16:55:21 2017 0:00:38 ....      UPDATE: force update check by admin
Thu May 11 16:55:24 2017 0:00:41 ....      UPDATE: force update check by admin


  • Logging into the beaglebone via ssh and using the cdp/up commands results in the following failure....

    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# cdp
    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# up
    make: *** No rule to make target 'stop'.  Stop.
    error: object file .git/objects/1f/9bbbb2c2ef86614942f6ddaaea4f1543ac741d is empty
    error: object file .git/objects/1f/9bbbb2c2ef86614942f6ddaaea4f1543ac741d is empty
    fatal: loose object 1f9bbbb2c2ef86614942f6ddaaea4f1543ac741d (stored in .git/objects/1f/9bbbb2c2ef86614942f6ddaaea4f1543ac741d) is corrupt
    error: object file .git/objects/74/a3a90dcc3f7640b68c7197a791db73f3e48045 is empty
    error: object file .git/objects/74/a3a90dcc3f7640b68c7197a791db73f3e48045 is empty
    fatal: loose object 74a3a90dcc3f7640b68c7197a791db73f3e48045 (stored in .git/objects/74/a3a90dcc3f7640b68c7197a791db73f3e48045) is corrupt
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
    make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'.  Stop.
    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
    make: *** No rule to make target 'install'.  Stop.
    make: *** No rule to make target 'start'.  Stop.

  • jksjks
    edited May 2017
    Well, looks like corrupt files in the /root/Beagle_SDR_GPS/.git directory. Don't know how that would happen unless power got pulled on the Beagle at just the wrong time (in the middle of a crucial write to the eMMC flash filesystem). Unexpected empty files are a classic sign of this. But it could also be other reasons.

    You could re-flash the Beagle using the micro-SD card provided. But that's a bit of a pain because it's difficult to get to the card slot after the case is assembled. Plus you lose your configuration changes.

    You can probably recover with a few commands when logged into the Beagle as root:
    1) "cd" - get back to the root home directory
    2) "mv Beagle_SDR_GPS bad" - move the bad files aside
    3) "git clone" - copy the latest release from
    4) "cd Beagle_SDR_GPS"
    5) "up" - build, install and start

    That should get you to the latest version (v1.82) AND leave your configuration untouched in /root/kiwi.config assuming they haven't also been corrupted. If they have let us know.

  • I had a jameco supply fail a while back and that may have been the cause of the corrupted files.  In any case, the instructions made perfect sense (I just don't know the git commands) and worked great.  I did rm the bad directories after the server came back up.  Thanks for your help, having a great time with this thing!
  • Great, glad it worked. I've only had filesystem corruption occur a couple of times over the years. But it does happen.

    Sorry about the Jameco supply problems. I should never have recommended those things, but at the time I was desperate to find any low-cost linear supply solutions.

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