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Channel password problem

edited April 2023 in Problems and Issues

I have two Kiwi's SDR's remotely running v 1.591 via Cloudflare tunnel, on Debian 10 Buster and (BBG). When I try to restrict the "Number of channels not requiring a password even if password set" this doesn't work, except if I choose "None" Then all channels require a password. I have tried with 1 to 7 options, and all failed. This happens on both Kiwi's. Do any others have the same issue?

I should also mention that the second Kiwis was upgraded to debian 10 using the backup sd card of the first one. So they are 100% identical software wise.

Sincerely Levi P. Iversen, Norway


  • Found out that this issue also has to do with using cloudflare tunnel as "reverse proxy server", as with the problem with time limit and activity limits.


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