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Am i a KiwiSDR if i have no circuitry

Hi a warm hello from Stoke on Trent in the uk ,i am not sure if i belong here as i don't have any of the circuitry that most of you have ,all have and i don't know a lot about the hobby apart from what i have is a Thinkpad on line which is connected to a Yamaha MG82CX stereo mixer and creates a wonderful sound and i enjoy it,i use the free KiwiSDR software which is on line and listen to all the brilliant sounds from around the world and i do and will be making donations and perhaps will learn a little whilst i am here very best wishes Brian


  • Hello Brian. You are most certainly welcome here even if you're only a listener to the Kiwi network and don't own any Kiwi hardware. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Donations to individual public Kiwis are always appreciated by their owners. Most of them go to great lengths to site Kiwis in remote, electrically quiet, locations. Usually with expensive Internet connections that the donations help offset.

  • Thankyou for your kind reply and realy pleased that Listners are welcome from what i have exspeareanced already there, is an ocean of wonderful Music and interesting facts and News items from all around the Globe , Totaly amazed my very best wishes and thanks Brian

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