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Preset HPF setting [fixed in v1.454]
I think I'd like to be able to set the default value of the HPF upon connection, similar to how the initial frequency is set.
I find the 300Hz setting too high, its nice to have a bit more bottom end on SSB.
Or am I missing something and its possible already?
I find the 300Hz setting too high, its nice to have a bit more bottom end on SSB.
Or am I missing something and its possible already?
But this is lost as soon as you switch the mode or reload the page.
Resurrecting this old thread rather than starting a new one . . .
Could the default be increased a little from 300-2700 Hz? It seems a bit narrow by today's standards. I often find myself dragging the bandwidth to 150-3000 Hz, but I think that would be too much for the default. Maybe 200-2800 Hz?
Remember that you can change the passband by typing directly into the frequency entry box. Much less painful than dragging the yellow passband symbol around.
The current wide sideband defaults to 300-1500-2700 (low-center-high) for a passband of 2400. By simply typing "/2700" or "/2.7k" you'll get 150-1500-2850 since a single number after "/" is a new passband width from the current center. You can also type "/150,3k" to specify the low and high values.
To set the passband in terms of center frequency and width use ":" So ":1k,300" sets a passband 300 Hz wide around 1k: 850-1000-1150.
The setting will persist if you change modes, but will be lost on a page reload. Type "/" to restore the default, or shift-click the mode button.
And for the more lazy you can create a DX label on the band you are interested in. You set the frequency, the type of modulation and in the Passband window for the LSB you set -3000, 0 and for USB 0, 3000 you add to active and you have a 3kHz ready ready. You click on it and the receiver goes into the 3kHz reception mode until you change the mode in the control panel. You set the values according to your needs.
Thanks, but I'm aware of how to change the passband. I was just suggesting that the *default* may be sub-optimal, and could be raised a little.
IIRR the wide-AM default bandwidth was tweaked to 9.8 kHz following a request in this forum.
It isn't a big deal, but surely it's at least worth considering.
In the bad old days, when the passband of an analogue SSB receiver was typically determined by the same crystal filter that provided roofing, the bandwidth had to be constrained to about 2.4 kHz (between the -6dB points) in order to keep a good portion of the filter skirt within a nominal 3 kHz channel. With DSP there is no such constraint, the Kiwi's filter skirt has steep sides and therefore it seems we could widen the default a little while maintaining plenty of stop-band attenuation outside a nominal 3 kHz 'channel'.
It's one of "must have feature", - default settings for USB/LSB/AM/CW modes, like on the WebSDR you can set default low and high boundary for all modes by edit config file.
KiwiSDR have cool "Admin" page with lot of settings but don't have default settings for filters...
v1.453,454 May 14, 2021
Added default passband adjustment to admin page, config tab.
As each passband parameter field is changed (low, high, center, width) the other
fields will be automatically adjusted. So if you know you want a USB filter
with a low frequency of 300 Hz that is 3300 Hz wide just enter those two fields
and the high and width values will be derived. An error message will appear if
you attempt to define an invalid passband.
The former "CW offset" field has been removed. To set your desired CW offset
simply set the default passband center frequency of the CW/CWN mode passbands
to the offset value. E.g. If you want to hear a 1000 Hz tone in the CW modes
set the passbands to have a 1000 HZ center.
After the passband is changed on the admin page, existing user connections will have
to reload the page to get the new passband values.
Wow. That's brilliant. Thank you very much indeed John.