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GNURadio package gr-kiwisdr



  • I am not sure if GNURadio OOT (out-of-tree) modules do work on Windows unless they come already bundled with the binary Windows GNURadio installation.

    Are there no binary boost versions for Windows?

    I'd suggest to use Linux. It should not be too hard to run Ubuntu in a virtual machine on Windows in case you don't have a computer running Linux available.

    If you do not need GNSS timestamps and RSSI values the you don't need the `kiwi_wav_source` block but can use the standard GNURadio wav source block.

    The wav files produced by KiwiSDR are standard wav files, except when you use the option '--kiwi-wav', '-w'.
  • yes, Virtual Box is free and is known to work with with Ubuntu
  • @Christoph I am trying to compile gr=kiwisdr.
    I understand that I must use the branch main-3.7 as I am running GNU Radio 3.7.
    How do I clone from it?

    But when running:
    git clone --recurse-submodules
    cd gr-kiwisdr
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../
    make install
    When running cmake../ I get the following error..
    CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:78 (find_package):
    Could not find a configuration file for package "Gnuradio" that is
    compatible with requested version "3.8".

    The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:
    /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/gnuradio/GnuradioConfig.cmake, version:

    How do I solve this please..
  • I struggled with that and put project on hold... you are not alone!
  • Jimo,
    you have gnuradio-3.7 installed, so you need to use the maint-3.7 branch, i.e.,
    git checkout maint-3.7
  • Thanks for the help. I did get it working! (-:
    I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and installed GNU Radio 3.7.11 from the Software Centre, which is latest version offered.

    I found that running the following worked:

    git clone --single-branch --branch maint-3.7 --recurse-submodules
    cd gr-kiwisdr
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../
    sudo make install

    Note: I had to use sudo 'make install' (a permission thing)

    Now I can see kiwisdr listed right at the bottom of all the blocks in GNU Radio.

    Now to go and try get it all to work in GNU Radio.
    Hope this will help you @WAZ2ZKD and I am sure will be needing more help @Christoph
  • do you have both 3.7 and 3.8 available on the same machine now?
  • No, still only running GNU Radio 3.7.11 on Ubuntu 18.04.
    See attached image...

    Now I am struggling to set up the Correlation Estimator Block. Not used that block before.
    And also do not know how to connect the kiwisdr block to my Kiwisdr whose IP address is on my LAN.
  • Hi @Christoph, could you please give me you settings for ipz in the Correlation Estimator above?
    With the settings I have in the kiwisdr block, should it connect to my kiwisdr on my LAN?
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