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ADC OV reset [added in v1.664]

Is there a way to reset the ADC OV counter on the status page, without restarting the KIWI?

via console?

or perhaps adding a reset button to the admin page?


  • jksjks
    edited February 11

    Okay, next release you'll be able to say: my_kiwi:8073/adc_ov to read the value, and my_kiwi:8073/adc_ov?reset to read and reset it to zero.

  • Hi John,

    Could that also return the existing count before it was reset ?

    That would save having to view different sets of stats, and be handy for a quick automation process.



  • Yeah, okay I did that too. But it's in JSON format just like all the other URL queries (except /status which was a legacy format).

  • Hi John,

    Great, thank you. JSON is fine.

    My thinking is that it may be possible to use this to drive some form of external AGC, or at least be able to post when the majority of ADC overloads occur.



  • Slight change: I made a new URL /adc_ov to complement the existing /adc instead of piggybacking onto /status

  • Excellent. Thank you.

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