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  • raw I/Q channels

    When you mentioned "external decoders" I assumed you were interested in I/Q obtained from the L/R channels of the browser audio output, e.g. so the browser could be used to control the Kiwi. It is indeed possible to connect over the network (via web sockets) to the Kiwi server and issue the same API commands as the browser UI does to set frequency etc.

    An example written in Python that works on Linux/OS X is called kiwiclient/kiwirecorder available here: https://github.com/jks-prv/kiwiclient/tree/jks-v0.1 It is capable of recording to .wav files but there is no reason you couldn't stream to another application. I think Christoph was working on (or has working) an interface to GNUradio this way. The I/Q mode bandwidth is of course limited to the audio channel bandwidth (currently 12 kHz).
  • v1.239: shortcut keys 'x' & 'y' for UI visibility control

    Press 'x' to quickly toggle the visibility of all control panels.

    Press 'y' to toggle the top bar and band/tag bars as follows: both visible, one visible, the other visible, none visible. The frequency scale remains always visible.

    Mobile-device equivalents of this, and mobile improvements in general, are being thought about.
  • v1.239: shortcut keys 'x' & 'y' for UI visibility control

    Press 'x' to quickly toggle the visibility of all control panels.

    Press 'y' to toggle the top bar and band/tag bars as follows: both visible, one visible, the other visible, none visible. The frequency scale remains always visible.

    Mobile-device equivalents of this, and mobile improvements in general, are being thought about.
  • Google maps in TDoA, admin page degraded/broken currently [beta test fix in v1.238]

    v1.238 is out that uses the new map provider. There are still many problems (you don't have to report them, I know what most of them are). But the new maps are now better than the current Google situation. To revert to using Google maps start the TDoA extensions in the URL and use the "gmap:" option, e.g. "my_kiwi:8073/?ext=tdoa,gmap:"

    You'll note some serious problems:
    • The map tile provider doesn't yet have high-resolution satellite imagery except in some special areas (e.g. The Netherlands). They're working on improving this situation. It's also possible we can use multiple providers if the licensing terms are acceptable.
    • Sometimes not all the map tiles appear (or are clipped).
    • Sometimes the markers point at the wrong locations as the map is zoomed.
    • Lots of minor things like the day/night overlay getting lost on kiwi-map / result-map switches etc.
    • As usual, things seem to be worse on iPad and no doubt other mobile devices.
    • I'm not completely sure, but some of the mapbox-gl code might contain Javascript ES6 which means it might not work on older browsers.
    • The marker and cluster colors aren't that good and are not final.

    On the plus side there are a few improvements:
    • The layer icon at the top right of the map lets you select 6 different base maps.
    • The TDoA options list lets you toggle the Kiwi host markers, same as for the reference location markers.
    • The "quick zoom" menu has a new entry for the entire world.
    • The "old map" option has been removed as taking the coastline plotting out of the Octave script will speed up the TDoA process for everyone.
  • Google maps in TDoA, admin page degraded/broken currently [beta test fix in v1.238]

    v1.238 is out that uses the new map provider. There are still many problems (you don't have to report them, I know what most of them are). But the new maps are now better than the current Google situation. To revert to using Google maps start the TDoA extensions in the URL and use the "gmap:" option, e.g. "my_kiwi:8073/?ext=tdoa,gmap:"

    You'll note some serious problems:
    • The map tile provider doesn't yet have high-resolution satellite imagery except in some special areas (e.g. The Netherlands). They're working on improving this situation. It's also possible we can use multiple providers if the licensing terms are acceptable.
    • Sometimes not all the map tiles appear (or are clipped).
    • Sometimes the markers point at the wrong locations as the map is zoomed.
    • Lots of minor things like the day/night overlay getting lost on kiwi-map / result-map switches etc.
    • As usual, things seem to be worse on iPad and no doubt other mobile devices.
    • I'm not completely sure, but some of the mapbox-gl code might contain Javascript ES6 which means it might not work on older browsers.
    • The marker and cluster colors aren't that good and are not final.

    On the plus side there are a few improvements:
    • The layer icon at the top right of the map lets you select 6 different base maps.
    • The TDoA options list lets you toggle the Kiwi host markers, same as for the reference location markers.
    • The "quick zoom" menu has a new entry for the entire world.
    • The "old map" option has been removed as taking the coastline plotting out of the Octave script will speed up the TDoA process for everyone.