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  • v1.269: DX label filtering

    Type the '@' keyboard shortcut, or click the new entry in the right-click menu to bring up a DX label filter panel. This is an experiment, not perfect and subject to change.

    "Ident" means the text shown in the label. "Notes" is the text in the popup when you mouse-over the label. When you enter text in the Ident or Notes field, followed by the Enter key, the labels shown will be filtered. The label Ident and Note must contain the text in the field (not exactly match it). If both Ident and Notes are specified then they both must be true (i.e. "and" not "or"). There is a checkbox to enable upper/lowercase sensitivity.

    When filtered the background where the labels appear changes from white to pink to remind you that filtering is occurring. Filtering persists after the filter panel is closed (with the Escape key or clicking the circled-X) until the text fields are set empty.

    Note that even when filtered label anti-cluttering is still in effect. Anti-cluttering prevents showing too many labels that would appear too close to each other on the display. So even when filtered you may not be seeing all labels that match unless you zoom in to allow the labels to become uncluttered. You can also avoid this problem by choosing filter text that is more specific (if possible).

    For Kiwi admins: Remember that you can edit the label characteristics by holding the shift-clicking on a label. And alt/option-shift-click on a label toggles the Type between "active" and "watch-list". Obviously you can tailor the Ident and Notes contents of your labels to make filtering easier, e.g. adding "DRM" to existing labels that are known to have DRM transmissions so you can simply type "drm" in the Ident filter field.


    Advanced features

    The "grep" checkbox allows the text fields to become "generalized regular expressions" for doing pattern matching. If you don't know what this is see here: So an Ident of "1.*2" would a label matching "1" followed by zero or more characters (the grep meaning of ".*"), then "2". If you enter an illegal regular expression the field will turn red until you fix it.
  • v1.269: DX label filtering

    Type the '@' keyboard shortcut, or click the new entry in the right-click menu to bring up a DX label filter panel. This is an experiment, not perfect and subject to change.

    "Ident" means the text shown in the label. "Notes" is the text in the popup when you mouse-over the label. When you enter text in the Ident or Notes field, followed by the Enter key, the labels shown will be filtered. The label Ident and Note must contain the text in the field (not exactly match it). If both Ident and Notes are specified then they both must be true (i.e. "and" not "or"). There is a checkbox to enable upper/lowercase sensitivity.

    When filtered the background where the labels appear changes from white to pink to remind you that filtering is occurring. Filtering persists after the filter panel is closed (with the Escape key or clicking the circled-X) until the text fields are set empty.

    Note that even when filtered label anti-cluttering is still in effect. Anti-cluttering prevents showing too many labels that would appear too close to each other on the display. So even when filtered you may not be seeing all labels that match unless you zoom in to allow the labels to become uncluttered. You can also avoid this problem by choosing filter text that is more specific (if possible).

    For Kiwi admins: Remember that you can edit the label characteristics by holding the shift-clicking on a label. And alt/option-shift-click on a label toggles the Type between "active" and "watch-list". Obviously you can tailor the Ident and Notes contents of your labels to make filtering easier, e.g. adding "DRM" to existing labels that are known to have DRM transmissions so you can simply type "drm" in the Ident filter field.


    Advanced features

    The "grep" checkbox allows the text fields to become "generalized regular expressions" for doing pattern matching. If you don't know what this is see here: So an Ident of "1.*2" would a label matching "1" followed by zero or more characters (the grep meaning of ".*"), then "2". If you enter an illegal regular expression the field will turn red until you fix it.
  • The use of the -f (frequency) parameter in

    A single kiwirecorder command can make connections to multiple Kiwis and record to multiple files simultaneously. This is how it is used for example during the TDoA process. So various parameters like -f and -g can have multiple values that will correspond to multiple Kiwis, e.g. -s kiwi1,kiwi2 -f 1234,5678
    connects to kiwi1 recording on 1234 kHz and kiwi2 on 5678 kHz. But -s kiwi1,kiwi2 -f 7890
    Will record 7890 kHz on both.

    There are example uses of kiwirecorder in the file kiwiclient/Makefile.
  • How is the inactivity time defined? [UI improved in v1.268]

    I had to fix a bug in v1.267. So there is now a v1.268 and I added the time limit exemption password to the list of URL parameters. Use "pwd=..." or "password=..."
  • Can not access kiwi using kiwisdr.local:8073 [fixed with avahi-daemon restart]

    Login to the Beagle of your Kiwi, either using ssh from Linux/Mac, PuTTY from Windows or from the console tab of the admin page.
    Type "scs avahi-daemon". Do you see messages like this that give the impression avahi is running?
    (in all the following messages "www" will likely be replaced with "kiwisdr", the default Linux hostname of the Kiwi. My Kiwi happens to be named "www")
    Feb 26 18:22:26 www avahi-daemon[679]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
    Feb 26 18:22:26 www avahi-daemon[679]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
    Feb 26 18:22:26 www avahi-daemon[679]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
    If not, try restarting with "scst avahi-daemon", "scsa avahi-daemon" and another "scs avahi-daemon" and see if you get something like this:
    root@www:~# scs avahi-daemon
    ? avahi-daemon.service - Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/avahi-daemon.service; enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-02-27 01:46:17 UTC; 8s ago
      Process: 6088 ExecReload=/usr/sbin/avahi-daemon -r (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
     Main PID: 6109 (avahi-daemon)
       Status: "avahi-daemon 0.6.31 starting up."
       CGroup: /system.slice/avahi-daemon.service
               ??6109 avahi-daemon: running [www.local]
               ??6111 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Process 679 died: No such process; trying to remove PID file. (/var/run/avahi-daemon//pid)
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 107) and group 'avahi' (GID 112).
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Successfully dropped root privileges.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: avahi-daemon 0.6.31 starting up.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Successfully called chroot().
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Successfully dropped remaining capabilities.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: No service file found in /etc/avahi/services.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface usb0.IPv4 with address
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: New relevant interface usb0.IPv4 for mDNS.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv6 with address fe80::9a84:e3ff:fe93:a341.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv6 for mDNS.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Network interface enumeration completed.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Registering new address record for on usb0.IPv4.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Registering new address record for fe80::9a84:e3ff:fe93:a341 on eth0.*.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
    Feb 27 01:46:17 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Registering HINFO record with values 'ARMV7L'/'LINUX'.
    Feb 27 01:46:18 www avahi-daemon[6109]: Server startup complete. Host name is www.local. Local service cookie is 3560849908.
    If that doesn't work type "which avahi-daemon". Does it answer "/usr/sbin/avahi-daemon" ?