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  • Save money on another Kiwi or tell a friend [KiwiSDR sometimes on for $100 off MSRP]

    If you're interested in getting a Kiwi at a substantial discount then make sure you've hit the "requested" button on the site ( [registration required]. "Requested" is an expression of interest, not a commitment.

    It's been 3 months since the last drop ended and they used to occur back-to-back pretty much. There are plenty of Kiwis available after a recent factory build, so that's not the issue.
  • BeagleBone AI

    The Kiwi is starting to function using a BBAI in place of the BBG/BBB. Lots of issues still, but in principle it works.

    Turns out the US $125 price from Mouser and others is $100 MSRP plus the current $25 US China tariff. So for example you can get it from UK Farnell for £80/$100 (but then +VAT if delivered in EU). Seeed's Shenzhen-based website sells it for $125 which I find both amusing and sad. The AI is built by Embest, a, you guessed it, Shenzhen company. Go figure.

    The thing is a beast. If you don't use some significant forced-air cooling it goes into thermal shutdown pretty quickly. It will also shutdown when your power supply can't deliver enough current! (5V 3A max)

    Compile times for Kiwi codebase: (clang compiler, "make -j n" used)
    BBAI    Debian 9.11    1m50s (3x faster)    TI AM5729 ARM Cortex-A15, 2 cores, 1.5 GHz
    BBB/G   Debian 8.5     6m10s                TI AM3359 ARM Cortex-A8,  1 core,  1.0 GHz
  • Feature request - receiver info on status page [trial in v1.334]

    Okay, there is a trial of this in today's v1.334, e.g. "kiwi:8073/users" Only responds to connections from the local network.
    Response is JSON with a couple of the fields URI encoded. This mostly because it already existed as a protocol with the Kiwi Javascript and I've been trying to move everything to JSON anyway.

    So a JSON array with as many objects as there are rx channels. Many of the fields can be an empty string value if there is no info.
    • i: channel index
    • n: name/callsign field, URI encoded
    • g: geolocation, URI encoded
    • f: freq Hz
    • m: mode
    • z: zoom level 0-14
    • t: connect time h:mm:ss
    • rt: time remaining type: 0 = no limit, 1 = inactivity limit will expire first, 2 = /24 hr limit will expire first
    • rs: time remaining h:mm:ss (inactivity or /24 hr)
    • e: extension in use
    • a: user's ip address (as you would see on admin status tab)
  • Electrosense: RTL-SDR based crowd sourced spectrum monitoring DC to 6GHz

    Happy to see this. Greater appreciation and interest in distributed SDR applications is needed. So much that can be done..
  • Update Problem [fixed in v1.332]

    Yes, there seems to be a different bug in older versions of the antenna switch extension that prevents rebuilds.
    To update and rebuild follow these instructions:
    mst    [stop Kiwi server]
    m git    [make sure Kiwi software is updated]
    rm -rf extensions    [remove old extensions build directory]
    cd ~/KiwiSDR-antenna-switch-extension
    gup    [update ant switch from github]
    bash ant-switch-extension-installer    [rebuild ant switch and Kiwi software]
    [Kiwi server should now be running]
    I was able to do this from an old (March 2018) version of the antenna switch without any problems.