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  • can't smoothly drag waterfall [fixed in v1.350,351]

    Me too. I always thought it was just the crappy trackpad on my laptop.

    It's an interesting bug that is a side-effect of the audio FFT added for 8-channel mode. I have a fix ready for the next update. Also fixes for unexpected mouse-related behavior in the frequency scale.
  • WSPR when down converter declared [fixed in v1.347]

    Fixed in today's v1.347 release.

    The extension "band" menu will now show the frequency presets available based on any transverter/downconverter offset ("frequency scale offset" parameter of the config tab on admin page). So you'll see either all the HF presets or one of: 6m, 4m, 2m, 440, 1296. Or the band menu will be empty if you're down converting a non ham band frequency range like airband or something. The admin autorun menus will show all the possibilities and only autoruns for those bands that are possible will be started. You can specify "2m" etc. as a URL parameter e.g. "ext=wspr,2m"
  • WSPR when down converter declared [fixed in v1.347]

    Fixed in today's v1.347 release.

    The extension "band" menu will now show the frequency presets available based on any transverter/downconverter offset ("frequency scale offset" parameter of the config tab on admin page). So you'll see either all the HF presets or one of: 6m, 4m, 2m, 440, 1296. Or the band menu will be empty if you're down converting a non ham band frequency range like airband or something. The admin autorun menus will show all the possibilities and only autoruns for those bands that are possible will be started. You can specify "2m" etc. as a URL parameter e.g. "ext=wspr,2m"
  • WSPR when down converter declared [fixed in v1.347]

    Fixed in today's v1.347 release.

    The extension "band" menu will now show the frequency presets available based on any transverter/downconverter offset ("frequency scale offset" parameter of the config tab on admin page). So you'll see either all the HF presets or one of: 6m, 4m, 2m, 440, 1296. Or the band menu will be empty if you're down converting a non ham band frequency range like airband or something. The admin autorun menus will show all the possibilities and only autoruns for those bands that are possible will be started. You can specify "2m" etc. as a URL parameter e.g. "ext=wspr,2m"
  • I can't get the firmware to update from 1.230 to 1.345 [fixed, had filesystem corruption]

    Okay, I fixed it and a couple of other public Kiwis that were stuck running v1.2xx versions. In all cases they had filesystem corruption of the source files that prevented any further updates. Setting those files aside and doing a fresh git clone was all it took to get running again. There are a variety of causes of filesystem problems including improper shutdown, power failure, etc.

    These v1.2xx versions were before v1.287 where there was a software problem causing further updates to fail. So it is unrelated to that issue.