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  • v1.352: new time station extension (timecode decoder)

    After sitting on the "back burner" for almost 3 years the timecode extension is now available. It's useable but incomplete, has missing features and many known bugs.

    It's also more of a curiosity than anything really useful. But that can be said to a varying degree about the entire project I suppose. I did it because it was fun. Something that has been in short supply lately.
  • v1.352: new time station extension (timecode decoder)

    After sitting on the "back burner" for almost 3 years the timecode extension is now available. It's useable but incomplete, has missing features and many known bugs.

    It's also more of a curiosity than anything really useful. But that can be said to a varying degree about the entire project I suppose. I did it because it was fun. Something that has been in short supply lately.
  • v1.352: new time station extension (timecode decoder)

    After sitting on the "back burner" for almost 3 years the timecode extension is now available. It's useable but incomplete, has missing features and many known bugs.

    It's also more of a curiosity than anything really useful. But that can be said to a varying degree about the entire project I suppose. I did it because it was fun. Something that has been in short supply lately.
  • v1.350: CW offset config, extension enabling, waterfall & frequency scale panning fixes

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:
    v1.348,349,350  November 23, 2019
        Admin config tab: add initial CW offset field.
            Kiwi owners/admins: If you don't like the default 500 Hz this is where you change it.
            Non-owner/admin users of a Kiwi have to change the passband manually as usual.
        Admin extension tab: add user enable for each extension.
            Don't want users using a particular extension on your Kiwi? Disable them here.
            Only works for internal extensions currently (i.e. not for the antenna switch extension).
            Local connections (same network) are exempt from these restrictions.
        Fixed specifying frequency in URL when configured in transverter/downconverter mode.
        Fixed premature end of waterfall panning when dragging near left edge.
        Improved behavior when dragging in the frequency scale.
  • v1.350: CW offset config, extension enabling, waterfall & frequency scale panning fixes

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:
    v1.348,349,350  November 23, 2019
        Admin config tab: add initial CW offset field.
            Kiwi owners/admins: If you don't like the default 500 Hz this is where you change it.
            Non-owner/admin users of a Kiwi have to change the passband manually as usual.
        Admin extension tab: add user enable for each extension.
            Don't want users using a particular extension on your Kiwi? Disable them here.
            Only works for internal extensions currently (i.e. not for the antenna switch extension).
            Local connections (same network) are exempt from these restrictions.
        Fixed specifying frequency in URL when configured in transverter/downconverter mode.
        Fixed premature end of waterfall panning when dragging near left edge.
        Improved behavior when dragging in the frequency scale.