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  • rx.kiwisdr.com now has a search field

    For what it's worth, rx.kiwisdr.com (aka kiwisdr.com/public) now has a search field where you can search/filter entries from the list.
    Same thing as sdr.hu has (and the last reason I was using sdr.hu). Matches are case-insensitive. Clear the search field to restore all entries.

    Good for things like searching for Kiwi's on a particular release ("v1.389") or with a particular feature ("drm", "20 kHz", "gps") or location.
  • v1.387, 388, 389

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:
    v1.388  April 11, 2020
        Desktop UI improvements:
            Added "tuning lock" to right-click popup menu. When active a single-click in waterfall
            or DX label area will briefly show a "tuning locked" overlay. Should perhaps be extended
            to include clicks in tuning scale. Does not effect other methods of tuning, e.g. entry in
            frequency box, click on +/- step buttons.
        Mobile UI improvements:
            Double-tap/touch brings up popup menu (same menu as right-click on desktop).
            Has tuning lock function same as desktop.
            Two finger pinch-in/out gesture will zoom the waterfall in/out. Tested on iOS & Android.
  • Request for simple feature: tuning lock [fixed in v1.388]

    Fixed in v1.388
  • v1.387, 388, 389

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:
    v1.387  April 10, 2020
        Admin page control tab:
            By special request, added ability to limit number of simultaneous non-Kiwi API connections
                (e.g. kiwirecorder). This works in the same way (and overrides) the TDoA extension
                setting that limits the number of simultaneous TDoA connections.
        DX label edit:
            Passband frequencies can be entered using "k" and "M" suffixes for kHz and MHz.
            I.e. "2100" and "2.1k" are equivalent, as are "1200000", "1200k" and "1.2M".
            However subsequent display of the passband field is always in Hz.
            So after entering "-2.1k, 1.2M" on the next edit the field will display "-2100, 1200000" (Hz).
  • v1.387, 388, 389

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:
    v1.387  April 10, 2020
        Admin page control tab:
            By special request, added ability to limit number of simultaneous non-Kiwi API connections
                (e.g. kiwirecorder). This works in the same way (and overrides) the TDoA extension
                setting that limits the number of simultaneous TDoA connections.
        DX label edit:
            Passband frequencies can be entered using "k" and "M" suffixes for kHz and MHz.
            I.e. "2100" and "2.1k" are equivalent, as are "1200000", "1200k" and "1.2M".
            However subsequent display of the passband field is always in Hz.
            So after entering "-2.1k, 1.2M" on the next edit the field will display "-2100, 1200000" (Hz).