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  • KPH - Snubs

    13:48, far left. Rob's now famous "Little Blue Rack" (LBR).
  • KiwiSDR production status and availability

    No stock currently at a lot of the usual suspects (Seeed, Amazon, Mouser). Some of the EU distributors have stock.

    But about 100 boards are in final test at Seeed. And many of the distributors indicate they expect stock to arrive by end of April / early May.
  • suggestion: add 25 MHz to list of time stations

    I didn't realize they were back on 25. Interesting.

    For historical reasons the content of the "select band" menu (and the band bars above the dx labels) is driven by the javascript file in /root/kiwi.config/config.js This file is created if missing (e.g. on the first software installation) but not touched after in case the Kiwi admin makes any modifications. So I will add 25 MHz to the template file. But for existing Kiwis the file will have to be edited by hand to make the change. Just duplicate the line for 20 MHz and edit to be 25 MHz.

    config.js existed before there even was an admin interface. That's how far back it goes. At some point the correct thing to do would be the read the (potentially customized) file and integrate it into the existing admin interface.
  • Request for simple feature: tuning lock [fixed in v1.388]

    Funny story about that. I took my old Mac laptop to the Apple store for a battery change. And while there remarked that I probably needed a new trackpad since sometimes when I single-tapped the double-tap action occurred. The "Apple genius" smiled and showed me about the "secondary-click by single-tapping in the trackpad lower right corner" option. Sure enough, I had loaned my laptop to my son and he had changed the setting. :/
  • rx.kiwisdr.com now has a search field

    For what it's worth, rx.kiwisdr.com (aka kiwisdr.com/public) now has a search field where you can search/filter entries from the list.
    Same thing as sdr.hu has (and the last reason I was using sdr.hu). Matches are case-insensitive. Clear the search field to restore all entries.

    Good for things like searching for Kiwi's on a particular release ("v1.389") or with a particular feature ("drm", "20 kHz", "gps") or location.