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  • How to set the DST?

    In case anyone is wondering: currently the "powered by OpenWebRX" with logo alternates with the time display for 10 seconds out of every 60. This is an experiment in multiplexing increasingly-scarce screen space.

  • release v1.72/73: WSPR decoder improvements, control panel hide button

    Strong signals often cause weaker "images" at different frequencies in the WSPR display. The underlying cause is still not understood. But now spots with the same callsign will only have the strongest one uploaded to prevent polluting the database. You'll still see multiple spots in the WSPR viewer because they are displayed incrementally as they are decoded. But at the end only the strongest non-duplicates will be uploaded.

    A multi-pass scheme has been implemented to help decode weaker signals. After the first pass any remaining signals will be rerun through the decoder with increased effort parameters (that take more decoding time) until the full two minute decoding interval is exhausted. Previously decoding was stopped after only one pass.

    The main KiwiSDR control panel at the bottom right of the window finally has a "hide" button at the top right like the other panels. This should be helpful for iPad and other mobile device users.

  • release v1.72/73: WSPR decoder improvements, control panel hide button

    Strong signals often cause weaker "images" at different frequencies in the WSPR display. The underlying cause is still not understood. But now spots with the same callsign will only have the strongest one uploaded to prevent polluting the database. You'll still see multiple spots in the WSPR viewer because they are displayed incrementally as they are decoded. But at the end only the strongest non-duplicates will be uploaded.

    A multi-pass scheme has been implemented to help decode weaker signals. After the first pass any remaining signals will be rerun through the decoder with increased effort parameters (that take more decoding time) until the full two minute decoding interval is exhausted. Previously decoding was stopped after only one pass.

    The main KiwiSDR control panel at the bottom right of the window finally has a "hide" button at the top right like the other panels. This should be helpful for iPad and other mobile device users.

  • Help us test new feature: "auto add router NAT rule"

    WA2ZKD/KA7U: Interesting your routers require you to enable UPnP. Security feature I guess. Kinda defeats the purpose of lessening the setup burden.

    ic8pof: If you are seeing the message "NAT port mapping in local network firewall/router created" in the log then the next time you go to the network tab after restarting the server you should get the green message that says:
    Automatic add of NAT rule on firewall / router: succeeded
    You won't see the message immediately after changing the button from "no" to "yes". You have to restart the server first.

    UR5VIB: excellent point about router reboots. I had not considered that.

    G8JNJ: I'm not sure what you mean by "separate firewall rule didn't seem to load". The Kiwi only sends a single NAT rule (port forwarding) via UPnP. No other firewall related rules if those are required by your router. You would still have to configure those manually.

  • Help us test new feature: "auto add router NAT rule"

    WA2ZKD/KA7U: Interesting your routers require you to enable UPnP. Security feature I guess. Kinda defeats the purpose of lessening the setup burden.

    ic8pof: If you are seeing the message "NAT port mapping in local network firewall/router created" in the log then the next time you go to the network tab after restarting the server you should get the green message that says:
    Automatic add of NAT rule on firewall / router: succeeded
    You won't see the message immediately after changing the button from "no" to "yes". You have to restart the server first.

    UR5VIB: excellent point about router reboots. I had not considered that.

    G8JNJ: I'm not sure what you mean by "separate firewall rule didn't seem to load". The Kiwi only sends a single NAT rule (port forwarding) via UPnP. No other firewall related rules if those are required by your router. You would still have to configure those manually.
