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  • Revisiting the arduino sheild antenna switch. Now v1.698, still the same. I can not see that there is a bug in the arduino-code, since it is the same switch i used for years since oh1kk made the netshield-code and it worked/works flawlessly through …
    in v1.696 Comment by sm0ohc August 16
  • v1.696 Antenna switch with arduino netshield. The indication of choosen antenns seems to work properly now. BUT the grounding of antennas when no user connected do not work. (thunder season here now) Switch to default was to set to YES after autoupd…
    in v1.696 Comment by sm0ohc August 6
  • Clint KA7OEI have a series of articles in his blog that may be helpful: As stated in his articles and earlier in the thread be careful when working on the mains ! http://ka…
  • With arduino shield and I still have to open an admin-window and switch the antenna mixing deny No to Yes and back again (mixing allowed) to get "greens" for what is selected. IE in toggle mode there is no indication of what is selected on…
  • Latest update to v1.682. Set to default and no antennas ticked seems to give ground as intended when the last user leaves ! But still with deny mixing set to Yes, when switching from eg 3 to 1, antenna 3 is not unselected but only nr 1 is indicated,…
  • Thanks for reply ! I use the Arduino version, and the kiwi autoupdates, so now release v1.680. A suggestion is to have "default antenna" ground when no user as a tickbox, as you said. You can take a look at "" how it…
  • Thank you for your efforts ! Very happy to see the possibility to control antenna switching without having to open another window. But I am missing the : "reset-to-default-antennas-when-no-users-online"-script Where I had all antennas grou…
  • Very nice input from you all ! If there is some rearrangement of the control panel and more, here comes my five cents: The S-meter, what I really use is dBm, a more readable font ! As mentionend, this is the most versatile receiver and I use it a lo…
  • Thank you for replies and suggestions. It was not a psu-problem ( I use a classical series-reg 5V 5Amp with 10000uF ) it was the SD-card. 73:s de  Kenneth / SM0OHC
  • Thank you for your reply. I will try to find another card. I ´m using a w-dows computer at the moment and the card doesn´t reformat under fat either so you are right. 73:s / K.