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Hi, maybe problem with 5V, like on this thread https://forum.kiwisdr.com/index.php?p=/discussion/1762/bbg-and-some-psu-problem/p1 or maybe filesystem on eMMC corrupt after power loss.
@jks Today I reinstalled my BBAI with D10 again and now it's 100% successful without any problems! Thanks a lot!
@jks I can share the kiwi.config folder with the error if that's helpful. My step-by-step instruction always give broken kiwi.config. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsparai78c5n99f/kiwi.config.error.tar.gz Maybe problem not only with dx_config.json: http…
@jks For upgrade from D9 to D10 I edited /etc/apt/sources.list:and replace each instance of stretch to buster, my file for example: deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-updates main c…
Yes, I forgot about that. Thanks, JKS! For test I reinstalled the Beagle_SDR_GPS on my BBAI with latest Debian 10 image AM5729 Debian 10.3 2020-04-06 4GB eMMC IoT Flasher (https://debian.beagleboard.org/images/am57xx-eMMC-flasher-debian-10.3-iot-ar…
I fixed my problem with Debian 10 BBAI image from BeagleBone site. After complite build Beagle_SDR_GPS on the folder /boot/dtbs/<kernel>/ not created file am5729-beagleboneai.dtb I copped it from other BBAI and kiwid started.
Hi, I tried to reinstall Debian 9 on BBAI from image on the KiwiSDR QuickStart, and now it's more complicated than in our instruction. 1. You will need correct Debian repositories: sudo sed -i -e 's/deb.debian.org/archive.debian.org/g' -e 's|securit…
He can do this procedure with Debian 8 image or original card too, but the original microSD card might be damage, I think it's a good idea to re-write the image from the official site to another microSD. :)
Hi @ThomasGull, try flashing the latest Debian 10 to microSD card from http://kiwisdr.com/quickstart/index.html#id-dload then remove KiwiSDR cape, insert microSD card into BBG, press and hold "USER" button and power up the board via a mic…
Hi @HB9TMC, now I can connect to your KiwiSDR :) It's on 8 ch mode and realy connected users=6 ("digiskr"), but your "users_max=2": https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/831/M0MBHNUDWZ54.jpg Check your KiwiSDR admin page, you need t…
@HB9TMC if all connections to your KiwiSDR established from the same IP = ::1 and you have a rule prevent multiple connections from the same IP, this is equal to publishing only one KiwiSDR RX channel, any other connections will be stoped with error…
Hi @HB9TMC, looks like you don't show to your KiwiSDR real client IP address (check KiwiSDR Log): https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/739/PUI3SGE4WM69.png HTTP server can use request header "X-Forwarded-For" for get real client IP.
Maybe this KiwiSDR http://vk2aak.ddns.net:8073/ ?
@Jimo yes, you must add comment (#) to strings with eth0 interface on /etc/network/interfaces file, after installed connman: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces #auto eth0 #iface eth0 inet dhcp And your interfaces file will look like in John's post.
@Jimo, you can always install it manually: sudo apt install connman -y
If you want return dhcp use: sudo connmanctl config <service_name> --ipv4 dhcp
Hi @Jimo like I know on BBB/BBG enabled connman (by default) and you can config static ip address with commands: sudo connmanctl services this command will show existing <service_name> for your BBB/BBG, now you can check it: sudo connmanctl s…
Try to block the TOR network and public VPN services, it's not difficult and there are lot of guides on the Internet how to do that (and on our forum too), of course only accept connection to the correct URL domain name (don't allow connection to I…
Glad to hear you fixed it!
You can try IMG from http://kiwisdr.com/quickstart/#id-net-reflash
Hi @ArturPL ! Usually Linux file system mount like read-only if it has errors. You can try to check and fix it with fsck utilite or full re-install this BBG from microSD card. If you ask Google about "linux fsck read-only file system" you …
Hi @ArturPL ! Usually Linux file system mount like read-only if it has errors. You can try to check and fix it with fsck utilite or full re-install this BBG from microSD card. 73! Yuri
+1, TNX John!
You are welcome.
@wayne I tried to change "debian" password from KiwiSDR admin console and it was succeeded: https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/696/YQ83LBT1WJKS.png If you have removed debian from the sudo group, you can add it again with "usermod -aG …
You try serial number your KiwiSDR board for "debian"?
@wayne But why you can't connect from Putty like "debian" user? And after that "sudo su" will give you same root right...
@wayne Hello, if you want permit root login for ssh (if you don't like use "sudo su", but accept all security risks) you will need to change sshd config file and restart this daemon: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config fined string "Permit…
Command gup it is alias for: "gup='gcl; gco .; gpu" glc = git clean -fd gco = git checkout gpu = git pull -v all alias you can print on Linux shell with "alias -p" under root. Try on SSH console: sudo su cdp git checkout master I…
Hi, I think usually no difference how update KiwiSDR software version: 1. (Preferred) Automatic or manual from the Admin web page via "Check now" and "Build now" buttons, but if this method don't work you can try understand reas…