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  • Thanks for tips and feedback. Yes has had a nearby lightning strike, but no other equipment out and kiwi was not connected to antenna, but connected to power and ethernet. Has done the following; 1 Resistance 5V on sdr is basically high, shows a lo…
  • I now have a version which can change the rx frequency with the audio running. Was not to difficult once I understood the code. Will try to clean up the code and introduce some software (eg hamlib) to make it possible to tune via the radio, ie keepi…
  •, seems to be a rewrite of, ref info from jks. I get sound output in realtime by using on my windows 10 machine from my kiwisdr on my local net. Have so far not tried other kiwis, but would assume it would wo…
  • Yes, understood. I am struggling to understand the code, but have come as far as seeing the underlying commands going to the kiwi. Is the KiwiSDR web socket documented somewhere? Would be easier than deciphering the debug output from …
  • I have the kiwiclient library running fine, but it is stuck on one frequency once started. The question is how can the rx be retuned/reset within through that library. Using catsync via wine on linux is not a good solution. Amongst other catsync re…
  • --help on only states that -f option includes frequency. I am looking for the possibility to tune the kiwi according to eg rig setting, ie an effective 2nd receiver. There must be some way of changing the frequency once a channel to …
  • I am currently using dyndns to access a raspberry on that location. Follows the dynamically allocated ips I get more or less every day from the provider. So accessing a kiwisdr directly is just a matter of forwarding a port on the 4G router. 73 de …
  • Thanks, seems this python script is a good start. Ideally I would use this to get audio out from the pc and ask the kiwisdr to follow eg thhe second rx on the K3. Ie an effective 3rd receiver which can be located remote and only use the audio bandwi…