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  • Fair comment, but a suitable box needs to be sourced and ordered, not something found in the local shops. End result will be an expensive box when shipping charges, possible import duty and/or vat has been added. Therefore my question still stands, …
  • Reclone did not work. Got early EOF after some minutes of reasonsble progress, stopped around item no 2000. Internet connection should be fast, update reports about 150 kiB/s. Outside line is 1 Gb both ways. Have not checked kiwi connection to local…
  • Will try reclone sources once back home. Reclone only available to local connections. 73 de Olaf - LA3RK
  • Received today (wednesday), shipping notice received saturday, ie 4 days shipping to LA incl customs handling. Not bad from what is basically our antipode. Approx 100 euros in custums charges (VAT) and handling fee through customs. Up and running in…
  • Assuming budget approval, one would be nice.
  • Radio Ceske on 954 kHz is regularly heard and decoded when conditions are good. Location Oslo a fair distance from the tx site.
    in DRM Heard Comment by la3rk January 2023
  • Seems you are setting up a scheme where the antenna switchover follows the TX keying. Anybody listening on the Kiwi will see intermittent signals, ie the KIwi will not be usable. Only reason to use this setup seems to be if you are using the Kiwi as…
  • Struggling with update. Can do the shell script Seem to work fine when run on the beagle. However I seem to get some sort of failure in the last step, ie writing the image to the beagle.…
  • By looking at the full spectrum as the code does, it will not show the typical difference between day and night. The snr for the low frequencies seem to dominate in my setup. At my location the snr below 10-14 MHz is completely out of phase with the…
  • Got the following from one of my kiwis; [{"ts":"Mon Mar 22 04:48:31 2021","utc":0,"ihr":6,"d":[{"lo":0,"hi":30000,"min":-97,"max":-45,"p50":-84,"…
  • if I remember the code correctly I made some cutoff in the data whenever the readings were off for my site/antenna. This was to avoid large peaks on the graphs, thought it better to introduce «holes». Nice to see that you like the graphs. I find the…
  • Nice to know that you got the software working. I find it a nice tool to see effect of my rfi reduction efforts. i wish you luck in your efforts to improve reception. 73 de Olaf - LA3RK
  • No problem, as you note the code is a rewrite based on some of the code found github/kiwiclient and in particular some code that calculates SNR. I added the bits storing the values into rrd files and a separate part which prepares the graphs. Also s…
  • Written in Python, needs some tuning and setup. I have not debugged every line of code, but it does what I wanted at least on this location. Runs on a pi on my local net, ie same as the one the Kiwi is on. Basically two scripts, one to contact the k…
  • Something like this? Basically a scan every 5 minutes, calculates average level and p90 level (peak) and defines SNR (red line) as the difference between the two. Can be set up for different fre…
  • At least one source identified and reduced. My station pc is powered via the 12 volt supply. Even when off it supplies 5v via usb. The internal voltage controller sent significant noise back on the 12 v bus and was picked up by the outside antenna. …
  • Sorry, Bosch freezer, 200 litres, marked with a yearly consumption of 214 kWh. Averages to approx 30 watt and around 60 watts when running assuming 50% running time.
  • Basically a rewrite from in github, gives you some statistics on a given frequency band. Data from this program is combined with a socalled round robin database/gra…
  • This is a timeshot of signal levels from 0 to 30 MHz. Note the variation of noise level, green line, peaks coincide with Samsung freezer. There is also a variation between night/daytime. As to gr…
  • Antenna at the moment is an Cushcraft R5, 20m to 10 vertical. Base approx 5 m above ground. Coax feed via common mode choke good for 10 MHz and up. I should probably put in a lower frequency choke and ground my coax below outside house or a broadban…
  • Thanks for advice. Neighbors are fairly close, closest approx 20 meters away. My house closest to antenna and separated approx 5 meters from nearest wall. Can tune my KX3 to same frequncy and check, however my K3 is normally connected to this antenn…
  • Again thanks for advice. Seems my local ethernet is responsible for at least some of the interference. Checked some carriers with my handie AM mode. Clearly strongest when antenna parallell to ethernet wiring and also near the router. Wiring is utp …
  • Thanks for advice. Will set up my KX3 with loop antenna and check outdoors when time/weather permits. Hopefully I can manage to establish that interference is local and contained within house. Problem will then be to keep it away from antenna. Buryi…
  • Thanks for info. Antenna is an untuned small loop wo amplifier locatedbin the basement, therefore low levels. Will connect to kx3 and do some tests/directional findings outdoor. I have an LZ1AQ antenna not yet installed. I see the same signals on t…
  • Have to recheck. Yes, ifconfig run from ssh shows wlan0 connected to, same as listed on my local router. Message on console in admin page is; CONSOLE: only available to local admin connections Can connect to kiwi both as listener and…
  • Just for info. Kiwi seems to be up and running again. Got a replacement and checked again. Seems my 5V power supply is not accepted anymore by the Beagles. Voltage is measured to 5.17V and the Beagles shut down after 5-10 seconds. Maybe the voltage …
  • Lets see, powering the BBG from USB gives; P9-3/4 = 3.3V -> OK P9-5/6 = 0V Not a surprise -> OK P9-7/8 = 4.92V -> OK Blue power led between USB host and ethernet connector are lit constantly and the status leds are blinking. As I read the s…
  • Yes, refers to your picture and the 3v3b regulator. Thought you referred to pin 7
  • Yes could be done, fairly easy mod. However the connection between pin7 on the 3v3 regulator and p9-7,8 seems ok, zero resistance. 5V only on the 5VE pin on the kiwisdr indicates 250 mA current draw, ie not excessive and maybe ok as there is no cont…
  • Solder joints on BBG looks fine. The BBG boots ok both on usb power and by powering the 5V pin P9-5,6. However there is no voltage out on P9-7,8. I am inclined to conclude that something has gone wrong on the BBG. Can not see any burnt traces or oth…