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- ic8pof
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HI John, I have tried the combo (adapter+microsd 16Gb all new) in both combinations : via sdadapter and directly to microsd input, but no luck. Even tried to pull&reinsert... On windows10 works ok https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/326/A26GCOJWSW…
GE, JKS: tnx for the suggestion, it has worked ok, it was 2018 when I logged lasttime in HI. Now ahead to read the further infos... https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/516/V6R2P0XG81NO.png
AWL, hallo just tried now username debian...no luck
just retried to access as ROOT with the serial number, but nothing ...
in the PUTTY IP address field I write the KIWI's IP and the PUTTY port is 22 connection type:SSH
HI es GM ZKD : yes the console inside the web-browser-page opens ok : CONSOLE: open connection root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# JKS: access denied either admin passw or serial 1680 https://forum.kiwisdr.com/uploads/874/6V32QCK8BTNC.png
HI sorry for the bad expression.... my meaning was: MASK_ing the RF spectrum during the sampling phase , hence directly at the RF stage instead of post sampling procedures. But I am not a programmer so am not sure at what stage the MASK_ing occours.…
GM, interesting feature the MASKing of a QRG via DXLabel. I suppose that this masking works on the viewed part of the spectrum hence at the end of the demodulation process. Another more usefull feature would be a MASK during the RF_Spectrum scan , …
which PULLDOWN pse Phil
HI All, is it really possible to "blacklist" a frequency ? Have given a fast search into the KIWI_faq but didnt find it. 73 Phil
HI All and JKS, I am returning on the subject "BFO tuning by keyboard + bandpass filter indication" to recall that possible new features. Adding one more idea for the BFO : defining the bfo-offset directly at the program start. I use 700Hz…
HI All, this would be a fine feature request to the developer of CATSYNC DJ0MY. I have just wondered about this features some days ago when dreaming of a second KIWI_sdr purchase how would be possible to get both sync_ed on the same freq even withou…
GE agn, tnx fer attention. BFO : yes I know that option, but it is rather difficult to move by the mouse that few tenths of Hz specially by active CAT connection, hence risking to move the radio tuning. MORE abt BFO: a memory per band would …
GM John SUPER option tnx
HI agn, ok on the new input parameters , but time consuming; what about using the mouse roller to move the settings ie: use the ZOOM_button_PLUS with rightmouse_ON&ROLLER to move PBC and ZOOM_button MINUS with rightmouse_ON&ROLLER to move …
HI , ok it seems to work... to many errors and too much time to read the decoded text, hence unusable...for now. To switch OFF the extension the web page must be reloaded loosing time. It is a young_extension and has a lot to learn ;-) I prefer …
tnx John now it works 73 Phil_IC8POF
Of course you are right John. In the vx117 I am noting that the time taken to change from a cw station to another in the local lan has rised a little compared to the x116. It seemed to me that the 116 was faster in change from 117... or no ? Phil
HI , the improvement is OK. Could this buffer be still reduced ? ..... for the series: we are never happy of what we have ... Phil
OK about the end-of-procedure message, but in how long time the BEAGLE restarts? Maybe a PAUSE button will be ok to be pressed when one has pulled out the sd-card. Would it not be more practical to make a copy directrly on a usb-memory as its plug …
HI ZKD , my OS is win7, I have already used the VAC under win XP years ago. I will give it a try again even if in win7 there is already a sort of virtual_audio . My thought is that VAC should not work as the audio output in the browser stops when mu…
.... maybe that option is not needed by anyone other? or not solvable at all ? Phil
HI at point_6 JKS says: remove immediately . I suppose that there is a running bar during the writing precedure , but how to be sure about the END_OF_PROCEDURE so one can remove the micro_sd safely? --- Any suggestion howto insert\remove the micro_s…
HI , your question is fine, but has no solution with the KIWI_RX untill some piece of software will "sniff" the TUNED\VIEWED rf frequency as all other TRX&SDR receivers with the CAT option do. Then comes the hard part of a cw_skimmer.…
RESTORE PASSBAND = ok the way back but what about keeping it from previous session ? more : if for error the right menu is pressed going out of it moves the tuned freq.... there should be a point over the menu to go out without affecting the freq ..…
HI OV indicator stays always ON under 1.99 ... sri seems ok :)]
I had to unplug the +Vdc from the KIWI and restart to let the LAN function again to see that the new version is 1.84. A cut of the messages file for the 1.84 part will follow asap. Phil
HI All. About the reflashing procedure: I have learned\red of the LAN cable disconnection here for the first time. Is it mandatory ? Just as a reminder for the worst_NOGO_case..... we say here "touch_the_steel"&pray ;) 73 Phil
HI John, when you write : file:///Users etc etc is this a folder in the kiwi folder tree ? 73 Phil
HI, what should this "click" do; to me it moves the tuning UP&DOWN being either shift-left or shift-right-Click and before v1.79 nothing more happened than moving the tuning around. 73 Phil