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I have configured several Kiwis for wifi access by attaching an inexpensive router configured as a Wifi client to the ethernet port of the Kiwi. This $25 TP Link has worked well for me: In principle one could enable the internal BB Wifi or attach a USB wifi adapter, but I am reluctant to fiddle with the Kiwi's OS.


Last Active
  • Connecting Kiwi via WiFi

    Thanks to all of you on this thread I have been able to change all of my wired LAN connections to Wifi and remove one major source of crud.

    I am using the $4.50 Zibo dongle from Amazon:
    I upgraded to the latest kernel and installed the driver packages and modified the file to make it come up as wan0.
    No compiling was required.

    Once you are rid of the LAN crud, if you are at a quiet site you may benefit from a preamp ahead of the Kiwi. I use a DXE Clifton modified to stop it from oscillating and can detect the noise from the black hole at the center of our Milky Way on 17M and above.
  • wsprdaemon - A Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding service

    I have just enhanced so that if you configure your wsprdaemon to upload graphs, you can view those graphs at
    It can take up to 10 minutes between setting up your configuration and the appearance of that link.
    Sites with low noise levels (i.e. < -150 dBm) or 'top spotters' may appear on unless you don't want your graphs there.
  • WSPR results

    The HamSCI researchers are exploring using the Kiwi noise level data in their 'Personal Space Weather Station' project:
  • wsprdaemon - A Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding service

    I have attached WD V2.5a to this post. It includes a large number of installation and run time fixes, most importantly a 'monitor for and kill zombie recording sessions on the Kiwi(s)'.

    There is also major new feature: It can be configured to generate graphs of background noise level measurements at the same time as WSPR decodes which can be viewed by the Apache web service running on the WD server.
    Those graphs can give you great insights into the quality of your receive system and site. However calculating the noise levels triples the CPU requirements on the server, so a Raspberry Pi which can support 20 no-noise bands can only support 8 bands with the noise feature enabled. So if you have more than one Kiwi and want noise graphs, you should wun WD on an Odroid, Atomic Pi, or x86 server running Ubuntu 18.04.

    This code should be completely compatible with existing 2.3 installations, so save your WD2.3, stop your current WD with '-z', copy this code over the existing and start it with '-a'
    As before, '-s' will print the status of your system.

    Because of all the fixes, I recommend that all sites upgrade to this code. Please report your experience and if you have problems you can easily revert to your WD 2.3 code.
  • wsprdaemon - A Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding service

    I have attached WD V2.5a to this post. It includes a large number of installation and run time fixes, most importantly a 'monitor for and kill zombie recording sessions on the Kiwi(s)'.

    There is also major new feature: It can be configured to generate graphs of background noise level measurements at the same time as WSPR decodes which can be viewed by the Apache web service running on the WD server.
    Those graphs can give you great insights into the quality of your receive system and site. However calculating the noise levels triples the CPU requirements on the server, so a Raspberry Pi which can support 20 no-noise bands can only support 8 bands with the noise feature enabled. So if you have more than one Kiwi and want noise graphs, you should wun WD on an Odroid, Atomic Pi, or x86 server running Ubuntu 18.04.

    This code should be completely compatible with existing 2.3 installations, so save your WD2.3, stop your current WD with '-z', copy this code over the existing and start it with '-a'
    As before, '-s' will print the status of your system.

    Because of all the fixes, I recommend that all sites upgrade to this code. Please report your experience and if you have problems you can easily revert to your WD 2.3 code.
  • wsprdaemon - A Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding service

    I have attached WD V2.5a to this post. It includes a large number of installation and run time fixes, most importantly a 'monitor for and kill zombie recording sessions on the Kiwi(s)'.

    There is also major new feature: It can be configured to generate graphs of background noise level measurements at the same time as WSPR decodes which can be viewed by the Apache web service running on the WD server.
    Those graphs can give you great insights into the quality of your receive system and site. However calculating the noise levels triples the CPU requirements on the server, so a Raspberry Pi which can support 20 no-noise bands can only support 8 bands with the noise feature enabled. So if you have more than one Kiwi and want noise graphs, you should wun WD on an Odroid, Atomic Pi, or x86 server running Ubuntu 18.04.

    This code should be completely compatible with existing 2.3 installations, so save your WD2.3, stop your current WD with '-z', copy this code over the existing and start it with '-a'
    As before, '-s' will print the status of your system.

    Because of all the fixes, I recommend that all sites upgrade to this code. Please report your experience and if you have problems you can easily revert to your WD 2.3 code.
  • wsprdaemon - A Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding service

    This is a major upgrade in functionality, reliability and installability from previous versions of wsprdaemon and its predecessor
    Configured to connect to two Kiwis configured in 8 channel mode, it easily simultaneously decodes all 14 WSPR LF/MF/HF WSPR bands during every two minute cycle and reliably uploads spots to

    To install it:

    1) login to the Pi as user 'pi' (or other non-root user) and create the directory '~/wsprdaemon'.
    2) copy the attached file to that directory, rename it to '', and make it executable with 'chmod +x '
    3) cd to that directory and execute it: './'. It should walk you through the installation of all of the utility programs it needs and create a prototype 'wsprdaemon.conf' file
    4) edit the wsprdaemon.conf file following the directions in it
    5) to start the daemon: './ -a'
    6) to see the daemon status: './ -s'
    7) to stop the daemon: './ -z'
    8) for help about the daemon: './ -h'

    During installation it creates a tmpfs files system '/tmp/wspr-captures/...' where all of the recordings and logs are kept, so 24/7 recording of 14 bands => 3 Mbps of wav files doesn't wear out your microSD in a few months
    It also modifies the systemclt files so the daemon will autostart during a powerup or reboot.

    I have tested installation and operation on a clean 'Stretch' OS. The script can run in other Debian servers, but installation may require some custom tweaks.
  • WSPR results

    The SW id can only be loaded into by executing the 'one-spot-per-http' curl POST upload method. Many kiwiwspr and wsprdaemon sites upload 10 to 30 spots at the end of each 2 minute cycle, and using POST to upload them increases the transmission and computation burden on the clients and more importantly on the server(s). The frequent 60-90 second hangs (and occasional timeouts) during http uploads compounds the inefficiencies and errors introduced by POST uploads as used by WSJT-x. In contrast WD uploads all spots from all bands gathered during a 2 minute cycle in one MEPT http transaction and the resulting efficiency allows for retries of the occasional http transfer failure.
    I am not aware of any other client which uploads using MEPT, so I think you can count any spots with *no* swversion field as coming from WD and I would be interested in getting the CALL of those reporters.
  • Last Spectrum persists when all signals removed [fixed in v1.279]

    This is an excellent enhancement
  • wsprdaemon - A Raspberry Pi WSPR decoding service

    This is a major upgrade in functionality, reliability and installability from previous versions of wsprdaemon and its predecessor
    Configured to connect to two Kiwis configured in 8 channel mode, it easily simultaneously decodes all 14 WSPR LF/MF/HF WSPR bands during every two minute cycle and reliably uploads spots to

    To install it:

    1) login to the Pi as user 'pi' (or other non-root user) and create the directory '~/wsprdaemon'.
    2) copy the attached file to that directory, rename it to '', and make it executable with 'chmod +x '
    3) cd to that directory and execute it: './'. It should walk you through the installation of all of the utility programs it needs and create a prototype 'wsprdaemon.conf' file
    4) edit the wsprdaemon.conf file following the directions in it
    5) to start the daemon: './ -a'
    6) to see the daemon status: './ -s'
    7) to stop the daemon: './ -z'
    8) for help about the daemon: './ -h'

    During installation it creates a tmpfs files system '/tmp/wspr-captures/...' where all of the recordings and logs are kept, so 24/7 recording of 14 bands => 3 Mbps of wav files doesn't wear out your microSD in a few months
    It also modifies the systemclt files so the daemon will autostart during a powerup or reboot.

    I have tested installation and operation on a clean 'Stretch' OS. The script can run in other Debian servers, but installation may require some custom tweaks.