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  • TDoA background maps not loading

    Later today (hopefully) we will switch back to our previous map provider and the newer TDoA user interface.

    We have decided to purchase a commercial subscription, at considerable cost, from the map provider in the interest of expediency. Like the costs to run the proxy service it will be absorbed by KiwiSDR and not passed along to the customer.
  • Galileo down [alert flag added in v1.302]

    A few small changes in today's update:
    v1.306  July 18, 2019
        Admin GPS tab improvements:
            Galileo sats in alert are removed from the channel after a few seconds.
            New priority mode for QZSS. It's been pointed out that because there are relatively
                few QZSS sats at present (4 currently) they can be unfairly "locked out" if many
                Navstar and Galileo sats are being received and taking all the channels.
                If the priority checkbox is set the last two free channels are reserved for QZSS sats.
                This number is reduced if sufficient QZSS sats already occupy a channel.
                For example if 3 QZSS sats have a channel only one is reserved to try and capture the 4th.
    Thanks to Kiwi forum member @fractional_n for the suggestion about QZSS.
  • Galileo down [alert flag added in v1.302]

    So other sources are reporting that most of the Galileo ephemerides seem to have returned to normal. I have noticed this in my testing and the "TDoA capable" count on kiwisdr.com/public has been > 250 all day.

    These same sources also said there was little correlation between sats with the alert flag set and sats with ephemerides "issue of data" (IODE) values indicating invalid navigation data. When I added code to track the age of updates to the IODE I noticed the same thing. So this criteria needs to be added in addition to just looking at the alert flag. This is apparently how professional receivers work.
  • Galileo down [alert flag added in v1.302]

    Unfortunately GLONASS, BeiDou, NAVIC et al. don't transmit signals on the L1 frequency (1575.42 MHz, 2 MHz b/w) used by the GPS front-end chip of the Kiwi.
  • Galileo down [alert flag added in v1.302]

    All right, v1.304 has individual enabling of Navstar/QZSS/Galileo acquisition.
  • (newbie question) How can I search for DRM stations in a KiwiSDR share?

    Update: the Kiwi in Kuwait has an excellent, strong signal. The DRM signal itself is supposed to be coming from Kuwait according to http://www.hfcc.org/drm
  • (newbie question) How can I search for DRM stations in a KiwiSDR share?

    There is a weak one right now on 11.970 MHz in the 25m broadcast band. This from a Kiwi in The Netherlands. Probably too weak to decode unless you can find a Kiwi with better reception. I agree that finding DRM broadcasts is harder than it should be. All the online schedules seem to be outdated.
  • Galileo down [alert flag added in v1.302]

    All right, v1.304 has individual enabling of Navstar/QZSS/Galileo acquisition.
  • Galileo down [alert flag added in v1.302]

    v1.303 is out with a new switch "Include Galileo?". Also fixed a bug where "Include alerted?" didn't have immediate effect each time you changed it. Also fixes-per-minute is shown as "f/min" at the bottom of the page.

    Now I've seen cases where including non-alerting Galileo sats will change solutions ("S") from green to red reliably. So that seems to be an indication that not all sats capable of causing problems are marked alerted. But I've also seen plenty of cases where Galileo sats are providing perfectly fine solutions too.
  • Galileo down [alert flag added in v1.302]