Where should I put my MW filter?
Hello, I recently bought an MW filter: Distill AM (https://www.nooelec.com/store/distill-am-broadcast-am-filter.html). I've also own a RA0SMS Mini Whip.
When I installed the filter before the KiwiSDR RF input, I had too much attenuation and had to take it out.
Later I read the following item on the filter description: "As a true bandstop filter, you are able to pass-through DC (bias power) when it is required.".
Can I install the filter between the antena and the antenna feeder (bias tee)? Is there where it should go?
When I installed the filter before the KiwiSDR RF input, I had too much attenuation and had to take it out.
Later I read the following item on the filter description: "As a true bandstop filter, you are able to pass-through DC (bias power) when it is required.".
Can I install the filter between the antena and the antenna feeder (bias tee)? Is there where it should go?
Here in VR2 I am about the same distance from a MW transmitter site, but as it is not so QRO, I only use one filter. Either way, attenuation >MW is not a problem.
My multimeter has died, so I can't check if the filter indeed passes DC - I expect it should.
I would not put the filter downstream of the bias tee as although the resistance from the series inductance of the filter should be insignificant, in general it would be better to reduce the number of things between the bias tee & what it is powering.
Buena suerte.
73, VR2BG.
If the attenuation is too high on the MW band you could try adding a resistor between the center pins of the filter input and output connectors in order to by-pass a small amount of signal around the filter. Decreasing the value of the resistor will reduce the amount of in-band attenuation.
100 Ohms will give you 6dB of rejection
220 Ohms will give you 10dB of rejection
1K Ohm will give you 20dB of rejection
Martin - G8JNJ
I did remove the nooelec mw bandstop filter because the attenuation was so high that I couldn't hear HAM bands (S1 level after putting the filter on 40m). This is strange since I get the OV indicator when I don't use the filter, but the filter seems to be too much.
How about adding a LNA after the filter?
I'll try the resistor trick @G8JNJ suggested!