The KiwiSDR 2 online store is open for orders! Please visit
Please visit (documentation) and (online store)

Save money on another Kiwi or tell a friend [KiwiSDR sometimes on for $100 off MSRP]



  • Hello John, do you know when the next Massdrop (now Drop) will be available ? The website suggests MAY-03 and suggests 774 requests.

    Thanks, Jamie VK2YCJ
  • May 3 is the estimated shipping date from the previous drop. I'm not sure when the next one is but if you sign up to Drop and register an interest in the Kiwi SDR kit then they will email you when the drop opens.
  • Hi Jamie. Sorry, for some reason the forum didn't mark this topic as having an unread comment for me until hfaero's posting a few hours ago. So I missed yours from May 1.

    But hfaero is exactly right. Signing up on the site to be notified via email is the best way to find out about the next drop. Since the quantities available per drop are limited this is especially important. I don't have any knowledge about when the next one might be. That's entirely up to them. But with the exception of the recent delay in Kiwi production drops had been occurring fairly reliably every 6 to 8 weeks.
  • jksjks
    edited May 2019
    May 15/16: Drop active again for 5 days. $205. That's $95 off the $299 MSPR for the Kiwi kit version. Free USA shipping. Some international destinations available. There were over 780 people in the notification request queue. So don't delay if you really want one of these.
  • Wow, received notification that my Drop(ped) Kiwi has shipped, that's well ahead of time.
  • My KiwiSDR arrived today! Yay!! All set up and configured at Be warned, the only band and station labels are those to do with HF aeronautical frequencies (I'm a bit left field!), you still have the full 0-30MHz range though.
  • jksjks
    edited September 2019
    If you're interested in getting a Kiwi at a substantial discount then make sure you've hit the "requested" button on the site ( [registration required]. "Requested" is an expression of interest, not a commitment.

    It's been 3 months since the last drop ended and they used to occur back-to-back pretty much. There are plenty of Kiwis available after a recent factory build, so that's not the issue.
  • Curious why it's been so long been since there's been a KiwiSDR Drop. Are they based on how many people have requested it?
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