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TDoA background maps not loading

Hi John,

I just noticed that the TDoA background maps not loading.

The overlays work work fine, just no map detail. Tried Chrome and Firefox, satellite and basic maps, refresh etc.

Nothing doing.


Martin - G8JNJ


  • jksjks
    edited July 2019
    v1.308 reverts to the old, broken Google maps. Unfortunately it looks like we may have lost our current map provider and finding a replacement will take considerable time. This includes the possibility of having to self-host our own maps which is a huge headache and expense.
  • Hi John,

    OK that's a pain.

    Thanks for the quick fallback though.


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • "self-host our own maps"
    How about a common hosted solution that is only available to, and funded by, the SDR industry and community?
    Doesn't have to be as detailed as a lot of the map solutions as long as one can use a few shortcuts to jump out from a location to a more detailed service where people have their own personal access.

    E.G. major borders, land outlines, but can export a TDOA result to .kml file or similar?
  • Unfortunately with reversion back to Google maps, it's not possible to select an individual SDR if there are multiples contained within a 'Bullseye' marker, even if you zoom right in.


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • Later today (hopefully) we will switch back to our previous map provider and the newer TDoA user interface.

    We have decided to purchase a commercial subscription, at considerable cost, from the map provider in the interest of expediency. Like the costs to run the proxy service it will be absorbed by KiwiSDR and not passed along to the customer.
  • jksjks
    edited July 2019
    Okay, v1.309 is out reverting once again to our latest map provider. True for the admin GPS tab "map" option as well.

    The cost to us is proportional to how many map tiles are loaded. So please only use it for the intended purposes.
  • John, is it possible to have the basic (landmass boundaries) maps that TDoA used when I first got my Kiwi last summer?

    Presumably the multiple TDoAs I do when I TDoA in order to see the results "group" requires the same map tiles be loaded that many times. I'm only interested in the coordinates. Landmass boundary maps I'm guessing might not have that problem... but then what do I know?

    73, Brett/KH6/p.
  • >
    >We have decided to purchase a commercial subscription, at considerable cost, from the map provider in the interest of expediency. Like >the costs to run the proxy service it will be absorbed by KiwiSDR and not passed along to the customer.

    >The cost to us is proportional to how many map tiles are loaded. So please only use it for the intended purposes.

    Wow - thanks for doing this John, that's very generous of you and much appreciated by me (and many others).


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • >
    >John, is it possible to have the basic (landmass boundaries) maps that TDoA used when I first got my Kiwi last summer?
    >Presumably the multiple TDoAs I do when I TDoA in order to see the results "group" requires the same map tiles be loaded that many >times. I'm only interested in the coordinates. Landmass boundary maps I'm guessing might not have that problem... but then what do I >know?

    Brett's suggestion is a good one.

    I use the TDoA function a lot, and I'm concerned about the costs to John associated with the provision of maps.

    Maybe have the option for no map, just the co-ordinates overlay, then once you have got a good plot you can re-run it with the required map turned on. This would save downloading tiles and additional cost.


    Martin - G8JNJ
  • I only await a PayPal e-mail to send my $
  • jksjks
    edited July 2019
    The "coastline" maps were something Christoph generated inside the TDoA Octave code independently from the maps tiles now used with the extension. But they took a long time to compute. Longer than the TDoA solution itself I believe. So the coastline code was removed from the current TDoA solution code. Hence this is not an option to save map tile loads. Map tiles are heavily cached all along the network and we are not charged for cached tile loads. So refreshing a map as you switch between solution maps or rerun TDoA solutions isn't a big deal.

    The current map tile use, like the proxy VPS network use, has some headroom until the first tier pricing limit is exceeded and we are invoiced an additional amount. Both the TDoA and proxy use has actually declined a bit since they were first introduced. So I think we're okay at the moment.

    Thanks for the contribution offers, but it wouldn't be fair. And it also causes accounting, tax and possibly legal issues for us to have "service" income like that (one of the reasons the proxy service is free).
  • Looks like no satellite tiles with any of those. Also, our usage is high enough (and important enough) that we really need to be on a commercial service now I think.
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