registration error (mismatching IPs)

My kiwisdr sits behind a tunner. When I try to register it to I get: ERROR (your IP does not match URL [...
That is obviously correct since I do have two different IPs. Is it possible for me to register to


  • There have been other cases where the apparent public IP does not tie up with what the hostname resolves to, that is indeed a problem with no easy solution as is out of the control of the Kiwi designer.

    If you can't make sdrhu-registered.domain:8073 actually route to your Kiwi could you not have another domain that points to the right IP address and register that?
    I think it needs the root domain to resolve to the Kiwi public IP.

  • Why does your tunnel present two different public ip addresses? That's the root of the problem.

    If all else fails we could use the Kiwi proxy. But it seems a shame to add that overhead for essentially no good reason.
  • My tunnel does not present two different public ip addresses.
    Besides, I have my good reasons for using my own proxy and I prefer not to use the one provided by Kiwi (nor to publish a household IP address to the world).

    I can live without, not important at all.

    Thanks for the help

  • Well, as Stu points out, something is wrong that causes to see registrations packets coming from a public ip address that does not resolve to the same ip as the domain you're attempting to register with. They should match. It doesn't matter if that's a "household" public ip address or one on the end of a tunnel or proxy.
  • Alain,
    It might be that the "proxy" handles just standard ports/traffic and :8073 goes round it.
    For a solid solution the route between the Kiwi and the gateway should be private and the gateway (proxy) should handle all routing protocols and only allow specified traffic IN/OUT or it will just give a false sense of security. Somehow either saw your Kiwi home WAN IP address or the public IP address of the proxy changed (?) between registration and use.
  • a screenshot of this might help us understand
  • I had this exact problem on the Kiwis at the Northern Utah WebSDR system: The "Public IP" that the Kiwi divined did not match the actual public IP of the hostname - this being due to double NATing in the IP network.

    One thing that was important to note was that I *could* connect to the Kiwi from the Internet using the hostname - but I could NOT connect using the IP address that the Kiwi determined as being public: If this is not true in your case, then the next two paragraphs won't apply to you.

    The fix to this was that the network admin manually added something to the router closest to the Kiwi to "fake" it out to cause it to see the proper IP address. I am fortunate that the network admin is also a ham (and the owner of the ISP!). Nothing else seemed to work - although the use of a VPN of some sort might have gotten around this - but that adds undue complexity.

    It would have been extremely helpful to have had the option to have been able to do a manual override of the "Public IP" address that the Kiwi sees to force it to see the true public IP - but this is not a feature that is available - at least from the Kiwi UI.

    * * *

    Having said all of this, I did run across an issue on a friend's new wireless IP connection to his remote cabin: Being a ham, he wanted to be able to remotely get to a transceiver, but upon installation it was discovered that a double-NATing was done on the ISP - and to make matters worse, the IP "inside" the double NAT was DHCP and that there was absolutely no way to make a connection that originated from the Internet to his cabin.

    The "fix" for this was to pay an extra $10/month to get a (single!) fixed IP address from the ISP, although a VPN tunnel to somewhere else with a public IP would have worked, too.

  • jksjks
    edited January 2019
    Well, I guess I'll explain this again for the zillionth time.

    The "public address" as determined by the Kiwi, and from the Kiwi's perspective, and as shown on the admin "connect" tab under "Public ip address detected by Kiwi", has absolutely nothing to do with generating the "ERROR (your ip does not match URL ...)" error condition.

    When the Kiwi registers on it uses this Linux wget command: wget --timeout=15 --tries=3 --inet4-only -qO- --post-data "url="   Where "" is the URL this Kiwi is known by.

    There is no mention of any public ip address in there. does that determination on its own. I don't know what that process is. But it probably involves looking at the ip "source" address of the registration packet via whatever network stack API it's using. The ip of the registration packet must match the resolved ip of the given url= domain, probably as a security measure against spoofing etc.

    Now this is complicated slightly by where the value of url= comes from. It is taken from the field to the right of the 5 item menu on the admin page connect tab. If the first menu entry is selected (most typical case) this will be a domain name. But it can also be an ip address since a numeric ip is a valid URL host specifier. The fourth menu item is the Kiwi-sensed public ip which may be improper in the cases mentioned ("double NATing", tunnels etc.)

    Where does the Kiwi get the "public ip address" shown? When it boots it just contacts one of several geolocation services that report what they think the public address is from the incoming connection. Like I have no idea what that process is exactly and how it might differ from what does.

    So when setting up the DNS entry for your "" domain you must figure out if the true ip address that will be seen by will be different from what the Kiwi reports as the public ip. But the public ip as reported by the Kiwi will not influence the registration process, if your url= parameter is a domain name, in any way. If something strange is happening because of a difference of opinion about what your public ip is between what the Kiwi reports and what determines because of something strange you're doing, well, that's your problem. It's not a fault in the Kiwi software.
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