SAQ 17.2 kHz Christmas Eve Transmission
I was finally able to capture and listen to SAQ this morning. I used the KiwiSDR and a new 350 foot beverage antenna. I have been trying to receive this station since 1981.

Thanks to Jim Lill WA2ZKD and Rob Robinett AI6VN for getting me enthused enough with KiwiWSPR to put up the new antenna.
Steve KD2OM

Thanks to Jim Lill WA2ZKD and Rob Robinett AI6VN for getting me enthused enough with KiwiWSPR to put up the new antenna.
Steve KD2OM
Mauritz / SM2BYC
If you or others on this forum ever have a chance to visit Grimeton (near Varberg and Göteborg), do it! I had a wonderful visit and tour hosted by Lars (World Heritage site manager there) a couple of years ago and truly enjoyed it. It's a rather long trip for you though, 113 Swedish miles, 1125 km !
I couldn't actually hear it on a 1.8m dipole, 1.5m above ground here in Colorado but I could barely see it in the waterfall. However I was very happy to be able to use a Kiwi at SK6AG who heard it *very* well. The waterfall display showed the spectral line width to be significant most of the time, several 10's of Hz during the message, which made it a bit harder to see from locations where it was very weak, such as the western US. But it was 'seen' (not heard by ear) on a Kiwi in California. W0BC in central Colorado reported hearing it part of the time. I guess I need to work some more on the VLF antennas for the Kiwi here!
Pretty amazing for rotating machinery that is more than a century old.
Glenn n6gn
Fort Collins, CO
Glenn n6gn
Glenn n6gn
this works good as a baseband I/Q for VLF down to audible frequencies. (if your software can support frequencies that low)
>has anyone attempted to use their PC soundcard microphone input connected to their antenna
Yes I have tried receiving several VLF stations using just a PC soundcard.
There is a some very simple receiver software, primarily designed for SAQ transmissions
But other more sophisticated applications such as spectrum lab have a preset VLF receiver mode.
Mains hum, ground loops and noise pickup from the PC data lines are the main issues when using a sound card.
I got the best results using an Icon Cube Pro USB soundcard 4ch with 196KHz sampling on a USB extender cable. But I find that unless you are really interested in extremely low level sub 10KHz signals the KiWi does a pretty good job.
Martin - G8JNJ