Remote temperature measurement

Hi all

Is it possible to measure the temperature of a Kiwi or BB motherboard using the Debian 11 command? I have Kiwi in the garden shed, the equipment survived the summer heat, but the first winter is coming and I don't know if I should insulate Kiwi somehow?

In my two ADS-B receivers (I feed both-Flightradar24 and ADSBexchange), I can enter commands into the Raspberry pi and get feedback. Unfortunately this didn't work in Admin Kiwi/Console.

Interesting fact - now, both Raspi are not in the garden shed next to Kiwi, since I discovered that they and their SDRs were causing serious disruption.

And if this measurement was possible, wouldn't it be possible to paste these results in the Status tab permanently?


Janusz, (


  • edited November 2024

    To my knowledge, the hardware isn't present in the BBB/BBG to derive a temperature measurement like it is in the RPi.

    Knowing that, I bought a USB thermometer (this one: and wrote some script files to poll it every 5 or 10 minutes, save it to a log file, and then archive that log file nightly on a USB drive.

    Over the summer I discovered trends that led me to have the local occupants of the site install a fan to move some air, 'cause it got ungodly hot.


  • edited December 2024

    I wanted to install a temperature sensor too. I found some NTC7717u sensors in SOT-23-5 package on old laptop motherboards. The sensor works on i2c bus and it would be easy to install it on KiwiSDR board. To display temperature KiwiSDR server reads file located in "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp". I wanted to read my sensor and write it to this file with period, for example, once in five seconds. However, reading temperature only happens on certain boards (processors) and will be ignored for BBG and BBB boards. 

    #if defined(CPU_AM5729) || defined(CPU_TDA4VM) || defined(CPU_BCM2837)

    So I failed )))

    UPD: I also looked at the technical documentation for the Xilinx 7-series FPGA and found references to an integrated temperature sensor. See document UG480. As far as I understand, the crystal temperature values ​​can be read from a specific FPGA status register.

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