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v1.709/v1.800: help needed

UPDATE: If you have a Debian 8 Kiwi that is not broken by the v1.800 update attempt, and can open an ssh port to the Internet, please email me the info described below. I'd like to run the update process manually and see if I can spot the failure. No matter what happens afterwards I'll leave your Kiwi fully updated to v1.800. Thank you.

So I need your help. There seems to be a problem with the v1.800 git rebase update scheme for Kiwis running Debian 8. But I have been unable to replicate the problem despite extensive testing here. Debian 10 and 11 seem fine.

The symptom is any connection to the Kiwi, user or admin, will close after only a few seconds as the server crashes and restarts repeatedly.

I need to figure out what is going on. But to do that I need someone who has this problem and knows how to open port 22 (ssh) on their router so I can connect directly to the Beagle/Linux and see what's happening.

If you can do this please email your public IP address and Kiwi serial number to Also the password to the Linux "debian" account if you have changed it from the default which is usually the Kiwi serial number.

Thank you very much.


  • I'd happily help, however I don't have a kiwi on Deb 8.

    Happy to run a VM on my Proxmox box if that helps - or I assume you need the full hardware layer and how they interact.

  • At least I am not the only one with this issue, although in my case it is only the admin pages affected. The radio page works as long as you don't access the admin pages. If you do, the server reloads.

  • Some progress. It's now understood why, after a failed v1.8xx upgrade, admin connections cause a restart-loop. But the original cause of the failed upgrade with Debian 8 is not understood. Although it may be related to issues with the Debian package system since Debian 8 is now archived and no longer maintained. Yet another reason to get your Kiwi re-flashed to Debian 11.

  • Are there many Debian 8 units out there? You could always "force" the issue of users upgrading to deb 11. A pop-up when users log on that deb 8 is no longer supported and needs upgrading - if not for security reasons and at the very least as it's now a 10yr old OS. Likely be some short term pain while helping others out. Happily lend a hand to support people who might need hand holding for re-flashing.

    I might seem a bit of a newbie on here, however I have been doing IT and support for 20+ yrs and can put my hand to most things IT related.

  • jksjks
    edited November 25

    If you have a Debian 8 Kiwi that is not broken by the v1.800 update attempt, and can open an ssh port to the Internet, please email me the info as described in the first post of this thread. I'd like to run the update process manually and see if I can spot the failure. No matter what happens afterwards I'll leave your Kiwi fully updated to v1.800. Thank you.

  • Thanks for sorting the issue out, I will set some time aside to do a flash to Debian 11. I have already ordered an appropriate micro SD card.

  • Hi John,

    I'm running Debian 8 on Kiwi v1, currently at 1.709. Updater says it's the most current version. Let me know if you'd like access.


  • @njc Hi Nick. Yes, that would be great. Thank you.

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