


  • Actually - looking at mine, the MMC is nearly full too.

    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# df -h
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    udev            214M     0  214M   0% /dev
    tmpfs            49M  1.3M   48M   3% /run
    /dev/mmcblk1p1  3.5G  3.0G  238M  93% /
    tmpfs           242M     0  242M   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# cd /var/log; du
    0      alternatives.log
    0      btmp
    0      btmp.1
    0      debug
    0      dpkg.log
    0      frpc.log
    0      kern.log
    4.0K   alternatives.log.1
    4.0K   alternatives.log.2.gz
    4.0K   alternatives.log.3.gz
    4.0K   alternatives.log.4.gz
    4.0K   alternatives.log.5.gz
    4.0K   alternatives.log.6.gz
    4.0K   auth.log.2.gz
    4.0K   auth.log.3.gz
    4.0K   auth.log.4.gz
    4.0K   daemon.log.3.gz
    4.0K   daemon.log.4.gz
    4.0K   debug.1
    4.0K   debug.2.gz
    4.0K   debug.3.gz
    4.0K   debug.4.gz
    4.0K   dpkg.log.1
    4.0K   dpkg.log.2.gz
    4.0K   dpkg.log.3.gz
    4.0K   dpkg.log.4.gz
    4.0K   dpkg.log.5.gz
    4.0K   dpkg.log.6.gz
    4.0K   dpkg.log.7.gz
    4.0K   frpc.2024-11-07.log
    4.0K   kern.log.3.gz
    4.0K   kern.log.4.gz
    4.0K   private
    8.0K   daemon.log
    8.0K   daemon.log.2.gz
    8.0K   frpc.2024-11-06.log
    8.0K   runit
    20K    kern.log.2.gz
    24K    faillog
    28K    dpkg.log.8.gz
    28K    messages.4.gz
    28K    unattended-upgrades
    28K    user.log.4.gz
    32K    auth.log
    32K    daemon.log.1
    32K    syslog.4.gz
    40K    auth.log.1
    40K    kern.log.1
    96K    apt
    116K   user.log.2.gz
    124K   messages.3.gz
    124K   user.log.3.gz
    128K   syslog.3.gz
    132K   messages.2.gz
    144K   syslog.2.gz
    168K   bootstrap.log
    268K   wtmp
    288K   lastlog
    400K   messages
    400K   user.log
    420K   syslog
    2.4M   user.log.1
    2.5M   messages.1
    2.5M   syslog.1
    353M   journal

    About to sftp into it and have a look

  • Your journal file is 353MB. Do a "m clean_logs".

  • Debian itself takes up a lot of space, version D8.x took up less than 1.5G, and now it looks like this: clean install Flash D11.9 +v1.690 Kiwi V1

    root@kiwisdr:/# df -h .
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk1p1  3.6G  2.3G  1.1G  70% /
    root@kiwisdr:/# du
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/1321/task/1321/fd/4': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/1321/task/1321/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/1321/fd/3': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/1321/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
    0      dev
    0      proc
    0      sys
    4.0K   ID.txt
    4.0K   media
    4.0K   mnt
    4.0K   srv
    16K    lost+found
    52K    home
    52K    tmp
    1.3M   run
    4.2M   etc
    7.6M   sbin
    9.8M   bin
    15M    opt
    31M    boot
    128M   var
    309M   lib
    649M   root
    1.2G   usr

    D11.11 v1.707 Kiwi V1

    root@kiwisdr:/# df -h .
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk1p1  3.6G  2.7G  644M  82% /
    root@kiwisdr:/# cd ..
    root@kiwisdr:/# du
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3036/task/3036/fd/4': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3036/task/3036/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3036/fd/3': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3036/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
    0      dev
    0      proc
    0      sys
    4.0K   ID.txt
    4.0K   media
    4.0K   mnt
    4.0K   srv
    16K    lost+found
    52K    home
    1.3M   run
    4.3M   etc
    7.6M   sbin
    9.9M   bin
    15M    opt
    50M    tmp
    62M    boot
    254M   var
    340M   lib
    783M   root
    1.2G   usr

  • D11.11 v1.707 Kiwi V2

    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# df -h .
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mmcblk1p1  3.5G  2.9G  363M  89% /
    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# cd ..
    root@kiwisdr:~# du
    4.0K   build.log
    4.0K   _FLASHED_FROM_SD_
    34M    kiwi.config
    107M   build
    697M   Beagle_SDR_GPS
    root@kiwisdr:~# cd ..
    root@kiwisdr:/# du
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3908/task/3908/fd/4': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3908/task/3908/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3908/fd/3': No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/du: cannot access 'proc/3908/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
    0      dev
    0      proc
    0      sys
    4.0K   ID.txt
    4.0K   media
    4.0K   mnt
    4.0K   srv
    16K    lost+found
    52K    home
    72K    tmp
    1.3M   run
    4.3M   etc
    7.6M   sbin
    9.8M   bin
    15M    opt
    62M    boot
    340M   lib
    449M   var
    837M   root
    1.2G   usr

  • The new git "rebase" I'm working on reduces the size of the Kiwi repo by about 90% to 55 MB. So that should fix this problem.

  • I am trying to remotely upgrade a Kiwi from the command line and get this error from git.

    Any suggestions?

    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# df .

    Filesystem   Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

    /dev/mmcblk0p1 3.6G 2.5G 884M 75% /

    root@kiwisdr:~/Beagle_SDR_GPS# gup

    POST git-upload-pack (997 bytes)

    remote: Enumerating objects: 432, done.

    remote: Counting objects: 100% (432/432), done.

    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (202/202), done.

    error: RPC failed; result=18, HTTP code = 200| 129.00 KiB/s

    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

    fatal: early EOF

    fatal: index-pack failed


  • Forget trying to update for now. I'm working on a fix, but it will take some time to develop.

  • edited November 13

    Cleanup logs older than one day:

    sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1d

    If desired manually delete old archived logs and rotated logs: 

    sudo find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.gz$" -delete

    sudo find /var/log -type f -regex ".*\.[0-9]$" -delete

    Local Git repo cleanup and compress deltas:

    sudo -i

    cd /root/Beagle_SDR_GPS/

    git clean -ffd

    nice -n 19 git gc --force --prune=all

    The git gc housekeeping takes awhile to run. Use nice to set a low priority if running on an active Kiwi server. You can add --aggressive to git gc if really adventurous, but it could take a very long time to run. YMMV.

    Cleanup local APT cache:

    sudo apt clean

    Usually I end up with around 800MB+ free on my KiwiSDR 2.

  • FYI - anyone wanting to see where all their storage space has gone, log into your console and issue


  • jksjks
    edited November 19

    This is completely pointless. And I'm not going to waste any time by responding to people who ask questions based on this.

    Go do something productive and just wait for the fix I'm working on.

  • Hi @jks

    Sorry if you took offence to this. I was merely sharing some tools to help anyone who needed to see and free up space based on the conversations above.



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