3d printed case

Is there somewhere a model of a 3d printed enclosure which fits the kiwisdr? Alternatively a technical drawing of the kiwi plus beagle as a starting piont for modelling an enclosure?

73 de LA3RK


  • Personally, I'd say, don't bother.

    Put it in a die-cast metal box or a similar screened enclosure.

    It's much better, as it helps avoid interference to, and from, other devices.

    Quite a few previous post cover this topic.



  • Fair comment, but a suitable box needs to be sourced and ordered, not something found in the local shops. End result will be an expensive box when shipping charges, possible import duty and/or vat has been added.

    Therefore my question still stands, mechanical drawing of kiwi plus beagle or a ready made printable box.



  • I understand your point, but after buying a KiWi is it really that much to spend ?

    However, as an alternative idea, I was in a local "pound (dollar) store" the other day, and noticed that there were several small metal storage boxes with lids, that would be ideal for various electronic projects, especially any that were RF related.



  • If a 3D print is your preferred method, spray the inside with an RF sheilding paint like:


  • edited October 16

    I've had this trouble too because there is no enclosure available for the Kiwi on a BBAI-64. But using the AI-64 has the drawback of not having shielding.

    [jks: some content removed for violating the forum rules]

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