Why a beat in AM ? [incorrect IQ offset]
Normally, in AM, there is no BFO (at least with a "real" receiver, nor in most SDR receivers). But KiwiSDR has a beat frequency (woooooooo) as soon as we are not tuned exactly on the carrier of an AM station, showing that a sort of BFO is in use.
Why ?
Best regards
Normally, in AM, there is no BFO (at least with a "real" receiver, nor in most SDR receivers). But KiwiSDR has a beat frequency (woooooooo) as soon as we are not tuned exactly on the carrier of an AM station, showing that a sort of BFO is in use.
Why ?
Best regards
Not found
Nevetheless, I will need to go on site to unplug the antenna to have the RX quiet while reseting the IQ as this is not easy to do remotely :-))).
Hem hem... yes :-) good idea.
The file is one very long line. So you and your editor have to be able to deal with that. Be very careful not to change the file in any other way. Do a "cdp", "ku" to restart the server.
Jim, no, the point is the button has been disabled for a while now. So he can't fix his current problem by following the old IQ adjustment procedure.
I have spent this afternoon in a reorganisation of the network in my parent's house :-)
- I have moved the modem-router up to the first floor
- I have removed the $%@# PLC couplers from all the house, put an ethernet-to-wifi little box to connect the Kiwi to the internet. The Kiwi is in the attic. The GPS antenna in on the roof, outside :-)
- The noise floor is now a lot better, the wideband spikes have disapeared
But :
- I was unable to connect to Kiwi by using SSH : after answering "root" to the "log-in" question, it has always asked for a password. But normally there is no password. I was unable to reset the I/Q compensations.:-((( . A button in the "admin" interface would do the job.
- I find the kiwi laking sensitivity in the 20, 40m ham bands. Could this come from very strong signals in long waves (France Inter 162KHz)... ?
On the console :
cd /
cd kiwi.config
cat kiwi.json
And I see : "