
This will be the last update for a while. I'm taking some time off to reassess my options.

From the CHANGE_LOG file:

v1.700 September 17, 2024

  User interface:

    Adjusting the passband edges should now work in most cases on mobile devices.

    If it doesn't remember that there are other ways to adjust the passband including sliders

    on the audio tab.


    When adjusting the passband edges if the cursor wanders above or below the frequency scale

    adjustment will continue to work. However the tooltip displaying the passband numeric

    values continues to only appear when the cursor is positioned over the passband edge.

    Remember that you can only adjust the edges when zoomed in far enough that the passband

    color is green instead of yellow.


    On narrow screen devices top bar now scrolls horizontally so all items can be accessed.


    Mobile devices: sliding the passband to the screen edges causes the frequency scale to pan.



      Added QO-100 satellite frequencies to extension and autorun menus.

      Added FT8/WSPR V/UHF DX label entries to community database.


    When the frequency offset is setup for operation with a greater than 1 GHz downconverter

    the frequency entry box overflows due to the extra digit(s) displayed. There wasn't really

    a good solution for this. Except that now if the cursor starts out inside the box the

    keyboard left/right arrow keys will scroll left/right across the digits. As opposed to

    tuning the current frequency as the left/right arrow keys normally do.


    ALE extension:

      Added "UN MINURSO" to milcom frequency list. (thanks M0HGK)

      Added "MOROCCAN AF/Civil/Police/Navy" services to milcom frequency list. (thanks Mark W)

  Admin interface:

    The top bar (tab selection) and any status/error messages are now fixed at the top of the

    page and no longer participate in any scrolling. This eliminates, for example, the page

    "jumping back" to the top when you change a setting that requires a restart.


    Config tab:

      New menu "Frequency scale presets" has some pre-defined values that automatically puts

      the correct entry in the "Frequency scale offset" field. For example, the menu entry

      "144 => 28 (2m)" puts the value 116000 in the offset field which would map 144-148 MHz

      to 28-32 MHz (assuming 32 MHz mode selected). We can add to this menu as necessary.


    Network tab:

      Better user interface behavior during "DHCP/static" and "Auto add NAT" changes.


    Extensions tab:

      WSPR option "Log spot debug info?" now produces a correct debug message in the log.

      For example, WSPR UPLOAD: wsprnet.org said: "1 out of 1 spot(s) added"



  • smgsmg
    edited September 17

    Ooh nice one! Thanks for all your efforts! Although I haven’t been here all that long it’s much appreciated.

    [jks: edited to remove mention of competing products -- please read the "forum rules and etiquette" post]

  • Thanks for the continuous updates. The kiwi2 has been my most used sdr for the HF bands. The hardware is reliable and the software and services makes it the most useable.

  • v1.701 should fix FT8/WSPR autorun at 10 GHz.

  • Thank you for everything, John.

    The three new KIWIs over here are doing fine.



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