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Im only using an cheap magnetic loop off Ali Express.

Its 6pm NZ time.

Loving the Kiwi :-)



  • To be honest, I'm not surprised.

    Many European based short wave broadcasters in the 31m / 9MHz band are massive signals during early evening / night time here in the UK, and we are not even in the target service area.

    I have to reduce their level by 20dB using an external notch filter, otherwise the KiWi complains quite badly.

    The Voice or Turkey on 9460kHz is particularly problematic, as it targets Europe.

    If you want a further challenge, try using the HFDL extension on different frequencies, to receive aircraft and ground stations, these will give you a better idea of what your Kiwi and loop are actually capable of.



  • I've been using the HFDL extension, and yes, it's quite impressive. I spend a hour in the evenings scanning through the bands. Its good down time.

  • If you leave the HFDL map up, and scan through a few different frequencies, it's often surprising what pops up.

    From my UK location, I can receive aircraft and ground stations from pretty much any part of the world, but the Pacific region tends to remain a bit elusive.

    However, this could simply be down to the volume of flights using those routes.

    Have fun,


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