rx.kiwisdr.com (kiwisdr.com/public) list changes

I didn't realize it until just now, but the "band" menu on the rx.kiwisdr.com page (aka kiwisdr.com/public) was broken.

That menu has two entries: "all" (the default) which shows all Kiwis. And "non-HF" which only shows Kiwis using a downconverter giving frequency coverage above 30 MHz.

Anyway, it's fixed now. There are currently 5 Kiwis above 30 MHz: two Airband, a 6m, 2m and 10 GHz.


  • jksjks
    edited August 19

    By request: the list is now sorted in 0-30 MHz SNR order.

    There is a new menu to select the alternate 1.8-30 MHz (HF) order.

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