There will be proxy service downtime/restarts as the crashing problem is debugged.
Kiwirecorder hangs on some public KiwiSDRs....
Hi All,
I'm trying to use kiwirecorder to monitor signals in Asia and find that some KiwiSDR receivers allow me to connect via the web, but not from kiwirecorder. I have a KiwiSDR here and saw this on the Control administration panel. I set it to none, but kiwirecorder still works for it here locally. I wasted to request some owners to help me out, by changing this to at least 1, but now I'm a bit unsure it is the problem. Why would kiwirecorder hang on some publically available SDRs, but on others it works fine? What else can I do? Do I have to scrape the web to get the SNR I would like to record?
Thanks & 73,
I added connect-timeout=1 and now at least two of the Kiwis that hung now return he S/N.
See your other post for the new "busy retry" options I've added. Also, messages are now printed for connection and busy failures by default instead of kiwirecorder just being silent.
That setting about "channels available for non-Kiwi apps" (e.g. kiwirecorder) does not apply when you're connecting from the same local network as the Kiwi. Similar to how other restrictions are bypassed when you're on the same local network (for convenience).
If you're interested in just getting the Kiwi's notion of its SNR then you can use the URL query which doesn't take a channel slot and shouldn't ever get denied. Just do
All of these URL based queries are documented here: