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Display on my laptop is almost impossible too small to read
Good afternoon:
I am a newb to the KiwiSDR community and recenlty acquired a new KiwiSDR 2. Installation was very easy and is working properly. My only problem is that the screen such as the FT8 window and control panel are very difficult to read. I have scanned the literature and am not finding much in the way of info on how to adjust. Can someone on this forum offer some advice and counsel?
If you're using a desktop browser one thing you can do is ask the browser to adjust the page zoom. This works for any web page. The location of this adjustment varies. There are also keyboard shortcuts to do this.
For Firefox on a Mac use cmd+ (command shift + keys) to increase the zoom, cmd- (command -) to decrease and cmd0 (command zero) to restore to normal. On Windows I think you use the control key instead of command.
The menu equivalents are: View => Zoom In/Out and Actual Size.
This method is not perfect. But better than nothing. The other thing you can do is setup your mouse/trackpad for OS-level zooming. I have this on my Mac such that the control key plus trackpad scroll zooms any part of the screen at anytime. So I can always magnify something no matter what application it is (i.e. if not something in the browser). Windows must have something like this but I don't know the setup. Once you figure out how to get this working you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.
Thanks for the advice. I thought there may be a more elegant solution and are using this but need to adjust each time I boot up. I am using a dell laptop with windows 11. Seems to work fine with the KiwiSDR 2 other than the font size is really small compared to just about every other program I use.
I appreciate the info and thank you for your time. Maybe this is the only way to actually read the display.
I base the UI design on how it looks on a laptop with a 16" display. I don't think it should be worse on a large monitor but I'm not 100% sure about that. I should be using fixed font sizes (with some scaling) everywhere.
Browsers also allow you to set a "minmum" font size in their settings which might help.