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Another mystery signal :-)

Sorry - lots of discovery going on in my brain. Been a long time since I was last SWL / DXing. (pre 2000) I'm not a veteran and the KSDR has opened up many hours of family neglect. :-D

Anyway, I was attempting to understand what the attached audio signal was in the 80m amateur band - 3718Khz - using LSB to record.

Tried several extensions that might decode digital signals, with no luck.


  • There are so many amateur digital modes these days, it is often very difficult to say what is being used.

    It is around the frequencies typically being used for SSTV, and it could be Digital SSTV, but that is just a guess on my part.

    The Signal ID Wiki is a good place to start when trying to ID unknown signals.



  • Kordia maybe? or  CGG Marine Data? White Spaces, Don't stand up too quick. BT.1368. S G6 😗💨 No Clue what I'm saying tbh also; Hii I'm New Here! FP Yusss

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