Any plans to move to OpenWebRX Plus? [not possible, makes no sense]
New here, thanks for having me, and loving the KSDR :-)
I spotted Tech mind reviewing OpenWebRX Plus on Youtube, and was wondering if there is any appetite to move to it?
Seems the interface is a bit slicker.
OpenWebRX+ has a long ways to go before it's as user friendly and as feature packed as the Kiwi's heavily modified version of OpenWebRX.
OpenWebRX+ is a good option for those who want to set up a remote SDR that can be set to cover frequencies beyond 30MHz and do broadcast FM. That is until a KiwiSDR 3 is released 😉.
Any plans to move to OpenWebRX Plus? don't release the KSDR 3 just yet, my still asking for forgiveness for getting the 2 :-D
"Seems the interface is a bit slicker."
Not really, it's just different, and has as many "quirks and foibles" as the KiWi (sorry John).
OpenWebRX + is more orientated to the VHF / UHF bands, and is good at the modes that can be found there, and I operate both.
However, the developers are not as responsive as John, and the admin interfaces and configuration processes require a good degree of skill to set them up and make them function correctly.
By contrast, the KiWi works pretty much straight out of the box and is generally stable, OWR+ is more of a work in progress.
This may suit folks proficient in Linux, who enjoy spending many hours resolving problems, but some of us just want something that works, with minimal hassle.
This question is simply not valid. It doesn't take into account the architectures and evolution of the current Kiwi and owrx systems and how it is not possible to "move" between them. The Kiwi started with some owrx waterfall, sound and user interface Javascript code back in 2014-2016. But things diverged quickly from there.
owrx runs on a pc. And the Kiwi's Beagle + FPGA is not a pc. That's by design and the root of the issue.
Thanks for the feedback, and apologies for my knowledge gap here on the development of the device.
It is theoretically possible to do the opposite. Implement KiwiSDR support in OpenWebRX+. I think it won't be very difficult, but I'm not sure anyone would want to do it.
IMHO, It's difficult enough getting suggestions implemented in OWR, without causing major upset. OWR+ less so, but it can still be problematic on occasions.
Stick with the KiWi, and John's excellent support, unless you have an absolutely compelling reason to require an alternative.
Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.