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From the CHANGE_LOG file:

v1.676 May 2, 2024

  Trigger immediate SNR measurement via /snr/?measure URL option. (thanks scratchmoney)

  Admin connect tab:

  Remove any attempt to include a port number in the DUC domain name field.

  Including a port number causes an invalid domain preventing any DUC-based connections.

  The port number is similarly removed from the "Domain Name" and "specified IP" fields.

  Show correct "reason disabled" message to active connections when the admin control tab

  "Enable user connections?" is set to "No". (thanks Kai DJ9KAI)


  DX labels:

    Community database: Change SSTV entries < 10 MHz USB to LSB. (thanks Richard VK2SKY)

    EiBi database: update from A23 to A24. (thanks Jeff N3EDS)


  Fixed broken "Owner/Admin" email link in user control panel stat tab.


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