Kiwi v1 crashing after latest update (v1.666) [probably fixed in v1.667]

edited April 13 in Problems Now Fixed

My Kiwi v1 crashes after a few seconds of using the web interface (waterfall etc.). Triggers a restart until the next client connects when it restarts again.

Kiwi v2 with the same software version appears unaffected.


  • Is there a way I could ssh into Debian on your Kiwi's Beagle and take a look at this? Do you know how to open the ssh port (22) on your router? And is you Kiwi accessible from the Internet? If so please email

    Anyone else having a similar issue? This certainly did not occur with all my testing Kiwi-1 testing.

  • This might be the same problem as Greg is having in a similarly titled thread. Fix coming soon..

  • If you still need SSH access let me know (the kiwi has a public IP - no NAT involved so super simple to do!) Thanks

  • Just noticed 667 is available. Shall test just now.

  • Looking very promising. Will leave it open for a couple of hours to be sure but so far so good. Appreciate the quick fix.

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